Historical aspects of Pinus rigida Mill. introduction measures to optimize the structure of genetic-selection facilities for the further utilization of the species in north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: Pinus rigida, invasive plant, North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, progeny test.


In the course of the literature analysis on the introduction of PinusrigidaMill.Conclusions that indicate the feasibility of continuing research to optimize the structure of the forest seed base for the further use of the species in the north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine has been made. Specifically, it has been found that the results of experimental studies on the biological and ecological properties of P. rigida in habitat and Polesie regions characterize it as a fast growing and highly productive plant that has adapted in this region to a wide range of growth conditions, which may induce growing the species under the conditions of the northeastern forest-steppe of Ukraine for further use in protective forest plantations; the effects of global climate change are becoming more pronounced in Ukraine, so given the problems showed, it is worth paying attention to the species under study, which lies in its ability to stool shoot.

The project of development of P. rigida genetic-selected objects has been proposed, which stated the following: optimization of the structure of the forest-seed base of the researched species in the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the proposed recommendations will allow to accelerate the transition of seed production in the region to genetic-selection grounds for utilization in protective forest plantations; given the much higher wind resistance of the species under study compared to Pinus sylvestrisL., it should be introduced as an accompanying breed of up to 20 % in pine forests to increase productivity and wind resistance of plantations; we can produce 278 trees during the period of seedsproduction according to our recommendations to create 1.0 ha P. rigida plantation. About 30 kg of cones or 900 g of seeds can be harvested from one tree. Accordingly, given the germination of seeds of P. rigida, we will be able to get about 35806 seedlings from one tree. Due to the high regenerative ability of the species (stoolshoot), it should be used in the creation of protective forest plantations. Introduction of the species will reduce the cost of supplementation.


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How to Cite
Yaroshchuk, R., Zherdetska, S., & Kazantsev, Y. (2019). Historical aspects of Pinus rigida Mill. introduction measures to optimize the structure of genetic-selection facilities for the further utilization of the species in north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, (1-2(35-36), 59-66. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2019.1-2.9