Germination of hybrid potato seeds under the influence of radiation

Keywords: potato, hybrid seeds, radiation doses, seed viability, laboratory similarity


The article is devoted to determining the response of hybrid seeds in the process of germination to γ-irradiation. The main difference between its results was the study of the interaction of two methods: ionized irradiation and interspecific hybridization on the viability and germination of botanical seeds.

The source material used was seed from backcrossing complex interspecific hybrids. Maternal forms varied significantly in origin, and pollinators used varieties: Letana, Podolia, Tiras and Mezhirichka. The studies were performed according to the techniques adopted for use in potato studies. Seed germination was carried out under laboratory controlled conditions. Determined its viability (by number sprouted in the first four days) and laboratory similarity (on the ninth day after wetting). The seeds were treated with gamma rays, the source of which was 60Сo at the installation of "Theratron Elit-80". Dosing options for seed treatment: 100, 150 and 200 Gy. The control used untreated seeds.

One of the objectives of the experiment was to determine the overall effect on seed germination by γ-irradiation, regardless of the specificity of the heredity of the material under study. It was found that the germination energy with the greatest stimulating effect was the use of a dose of 200 Gy, which allowed to get 11.2 % more seed covered. Close control data were obtained with a 150 Gy dose. On the contrary, the viability of hybrid seeds decreased significantly by using a dose of 100 Gy – by 26.5 %. To a large extent, it concerned the proportion of all sprouted seeds.

The specificity of the reaction of offspring of combinations on γ-irradiation is proved. In terms of seed viability, it was the best in the combination of 10.6G38 x Tiras – 74.9 %. To a small extent, it was inferior in this respect to populations of 10.6G38 x Letana and 08.195/73 x Podolia. The opposite was true for the intersections of 08.195/73 x Podolia and 08.195/73 x Letana, considered because of the unsuccessful combination of hereditary back crosses 08.195 / 73 and Podolia and Letana varieties.

A specific relationship between heredity is revealed. hybrid seeds and the influence of radiation on its viability, field germination. With respect to the first indicator, a population of 08.195 / 73 x Letan was distinguished, in each of which there was an excess of control with a maximum difference of 74 % for irradiation doses of 150 Gy. With the exception of the 100 Gy variant, this statement referred to the offspring of 10.6G38 x Letane. Specificity of reciprocal influence of heredity of the offspring of the population 08.195/73 x Podolia in the absence of a stimulating effect on the viability of seeds of radiation exposure.

Positive influence on the laboratory germination of seeds using radiation irradiation with a dose of 150 and 200 Gy in combination with 10.6G38 x Letana. Only in populations 08.195/73 x Mezhirichka and 08.195 / 73 x Letana stimulating effect on seed viability had a small dose of 200 Gy. The same control results were obtained from the use of said dose in a population of 08.195/73 x Podolia. Only among the offspring with the origin of 10.6G38 x Tiras in all variants, compared with the control, there was a decrease in the viability of hybrid seeds.

Therefore, a specific reaction of dry irradiated seeds during germination was detected, which depended on both the heredity of the material under study and the doses of irradiation.


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How to Cite
Podhaietskyi, A., Kravchenko, N., & HnitetskyМ. (2019). Germination of hybrid potato seeds under the influence of radiation. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, (3(37), 29-35.