Influence of luminous flux parameters on the formation of re-weeding of hemp crops

Keywords: technology, PAR dynamics, plant density, weeds.


Light (energy) growing conditions of hemp plants have a direct effect on both crop plants and their habitat, as well as on new seedling plants of weeds that began their vegetation after soil herbicides weakened their protective function. The appearance of such weeds in crops is called re-weeding. Re-weeding is difficult to control.

It is fair to say that the density of hemp crops and, consequently, their optical density is a very effective, cheap and environmentally friendly factor influencing weeding processes. The application of such factors of influence on the indicators of re-weeding of crops is especially effective, when the application of any agronomic or chemical methods on new weed seedlings is very difficult or simply impossible.

Studies conducted during 20142016 in the field experiment of the Institute of Bast Crops of NAAS to determine the influence of light regimes of hemp sowing on the formation of re-weeding crops provided five options with different stocking densities of hemp sowing, which formed different indicators of optical density of crops. The experiment determined such indicators of the light regime as the incident energy flux of the headlights and the transmission of light by sowing to the ground. Weed surveys were performed according to the requirements of the "Pesticide Test and Application Methods". Crop weeds were determined quantitatively and quantitatively by weight.

As a result of the conducted researches the regularities of weed formation at different density of stems, as well as between weed parameters and light regimes of sowing hemp crops were established. There is a direct linear relationship between the transmission of light to the soil by sowing hemp and the number and weight of weeds. The critical dates for the release of FAR energy into the soil for re-weeding were the third decade of July and the third decade of September. With a standing plant density of 1.65 million units/ha, conditions developed under which most weed plants in repeated weeding could not reach the virgin stage of organogenesis. That is, it can be argued that it is in crops with a stem density of 1.65 million units/ha conditions are achieved for the least development of re-weeding due to the minimum energy input of the headlights required for full generative productivity of weeds.

Thus, the development of methods for controlling the processes of re-weeding of hemp crops based on phytocenotic factors deserve widespread introduction into agricultural production, as quite effective and environmentally friendly.


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How to Cite
Kabanets, V. (2020). Influence of luminous flux parameters on the formation of re-weeding of hemp crops. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 39(1), 33-41.