Realization of potential of spring triticale varieties in the conditions of the northeastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: grain weight in the ear, number of grains in the ear, weight of 1000 seeds, yield, protein and gluten content.


Spring triticale in the grain complex plays a significant stabilizing role in food grain production. The fact that spring triticale is low demanding to predecessors, soil conditions, technical and fodder value of grain, increased resistance to diseases makes it possible to increase grain production.

The research envisaged the use of the genetic potential of high yields of a relatively new grain crop spring triticale, which expands the possibilities of producing pure products and stabilizes the market of ecologically safe food grain.

Varieties of spring triticale had an average plant weight in the range of 2.43.0 g. The greatest weight of the plant was observed in the variety Husar Kharkivskyi 3.0 g. On average, over the years of research, the maximum weight of the spring triticale ear was distinguished by plants of the Husar Kharkivskyi variety 2.0 g. Smaller values of plant ear weight were determined in the varieties Zlit Kharkivskyi and Boryviter Kharkivskyi 1.9, 1.8 g respectively. Experimental data show that the longest ear (on average 9.5 cm) had plants in the variant with the variety Husar Kharkivskyi. The smallest mass of grain from the ear was formed by spring triticale plants in the variety Boryviter Kharkivskyi (1.2 g), the largest one was in the variety Husar Kharkivskyi (1.4 g). The number of grains in the ear ranged from 32.8 to 35,0 pieces. The largest number of grains in the ear was formed by plants of the Husar Kharkivskyi variety 35 pcs. However, it was found that the largest mass of 1000 grains differed plants in crops of the variety Husar Kharkivskyi 40.0 g. On average the maximum yield during the research period was formed by the variety Husar Kharkivskyi 4.76 t/ha. Varieties Boryviter Kharkivskyi and Zlit Kharkivskyi provided yields of 4.08, 4.49 t/ha respectively.

The content of crude gluten in the grain of spring triticale in the years of research was at the level of 24.9226.21 %. Varietal characteristics affected the gluten content in triticale grain. Grain with the highest gluten content was obtained in the variety Husar Kharkivskyi 26.21 %, which is 1.25 % more than in the variety Zlit Kharkivskyi and 1.29 % in the variety Boryviter Kharkivskyi. The protein content in the grain of spring triticale ranged from 12.57 to 13.53 %. The largest amount of protein in the spring triticale grain was obtained in the variety Husar Kharkivskyi 13.53%. Slightly lower protein content was obtained in the varieties Zlit Kharkivskyi 12.75 % and Boryviter Kharkivskyi 12.57 %.

The best conditions for growth, development and crop formation of spring triticale have developed on the variant with the Husar Kharkivskyi variety. This variety provided the maximum yield on average for the research period of 4.76 t/ha with the number of grains in the ear of 35 pcs and weight of 40.0 g for 1000 seeds. The maximum amount of gluten 26.21 % with a protein content of 13.53 % was noted in the grain of the Husar Kharkivskyi variety.


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How to Cite
Radchenko, M., & Danylchenko, O. (2020). Realization of potential of spring triticale varieties in the conditions of the northeastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 41(3), 33-40.