• Ye. O. Kremenetska Sumy National Agrarian University
  • M. G. Holub Non-entrepreneurial Society “Association of Forest Certificationin Ukraine”
  • M. V. Cherepovsky Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: forest certification, forest ecosystems, biodiversity, high conservation values (HCVs), Sumy region, Ukraine


Forest certification is one of the world’s best-known voluntary environmental programs for sustainable forest management. Principle 9 “High conservation values” of voluntary forest certification under the FSC® scheme provides for the need to take special measures for the identification and conservation of forest areas with existing high conservation values (HCVs). The identification of HCVs is an effective tool of forest certification, which encourages the forest enterprise to take into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders, develop measures to preserve forest biodiversity and generally contribute to the greening of forest production. Modern methodological approaches to the identification of HCVs in forest areas, as well as their practical application in the forest fund of the state enterprise “Sumy Forestry” (northeastern part of Ukraine) were studied. Forest inventory materials, standards, manuals, reports, scientific publications were used. The research methods are generally accepted in FSC® forest certification. The division of HCVs into the categories listed in “FSC national standard of forestry system for Ukraine” (2020) was applied. The methodological approaches of many countries of the world to support forest ecosystems in areas with HCVs are considered. Particular attention was paid to the coverage of information related to forests that have undergone minimal human disturbance (primary forests, quasi-virgin areas, ancient forests). Intensive forestry leads to the loss of natural forests and related biodiversity. These negative trends in the state of biodiversity and the functioning of forest ecosystems require new initiatives. At the European Union level, the new initiative includes the concept of green infrastructure, which aims to ensure biodiversity, environmental sustainability and ecosystem services. Identification of HCV 1 Species diversity requires knowledge of the conservation status of plants and animals, HCV 3 Ecosystems and habitats – application of modern techniques and information on the search: ancient forests, plant communities from the “Green book of Ukraine”, “National catalog of habitats of Ukraine”, IBA- territories, etc. Finding HCV 5 Community needs and HCV 6 Cultural values requires stakeholder consultation. HCV 2 in Ukraine is not allocated. An important measure is the mapping of the contours of the areas with HCVs, a symbolic representation of their categories, the designation of valuable and rare habitats, and so on. The concept of HCVs can be considered a universal platform through which it is possible to identify the categories of those forest ecosystems that exist in conditions of potential danger. Many of these forests are still unprotected and need public attention.


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How to Cite
Kremenetska, Y. O., Holub, M. G., & Cherepovsky, M. V. (2022). METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES AND IDENTIFICATION OF HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE AREAS (IN THE EASTERN PART OF SUMY REGION FORESTS). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 44(2), 19-32.