Keywords: winter wheat, seeds, germination, sowing qualities, plant density, productivity


The article presents the results of a study on determining the regularities of the formation of winter wheat sowing productivity and the sowing qualities of seeds, depending on the different laboratory germination of seed material. It was found that the use of seed material with different laboratory germination affects the completeness of winter wheat seedlings - fluctuations in the research options were from 90 to 92 %. Slightly higher rates were on the variant with seed sowing of 85 % germination rate – 92 %, while the plant density was 413 pcs/m2. The conducted accounting of the density of winter wheat plants during the harvesting period showed that this indicator was higher in the control variant with a standard laboratory germination of 92 %, the density of productive stalk was 704 pcs/m2 with a tillering coefficient of 1.72. Over the years of research, the individual productivity of winter wheat plants of the Dostatok variety varied significantly under the influence of factors that were put to study. A larger number of grains in an ear was formed by plants with a laboratory germination rate of 85 % – 43.7 pcs/ear. A heavier grain (1000 grain weight) was obtained in the control variant with a laboratory germination rate of 92 % – 43.7 g. The analysis of the yield data made it possible to reveal the linear dependence of the grain yield on the laboratory germination of the sown seeds, while the coefficient of determination was 0.99. It was found that sowing with winter wheat seeds with a standard similarity of 92 % allows, on average, according to three-year data, to form grain yield at the level of 7.41 t/ha, which is 0.03 t/ha more compared to the option where seeds were sown with laboratory similarity of 85 % and 0.07 t/ha – with 80 % similarity. It should be pointed out that the difference between the yields on the studied variants was not significant. The effect of sowing seeds with different laboratory germination rates on the sowing qualities of the harvested crop after cleaning was studied. The nature of changes in the laboratory germination of the harvested grain according to the analysis results was similar to the germination energy. It should be noted that in all variants of the study, the similarity of the harvested grain was higher than the standard 92 %.


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How to Cite
Onychko, V. I., & Onychko, T. O. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF LABORATORY GERMINATION ON THE YIELD AND SOWING QUALITIES OF WINTER WHEAT IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE NORTH-EASTERN FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 44(2), 46-50.