Keywords: Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Cuscuta campestris Yuncker, quarantine condition, quarantine organisms, distribution hectares


The littering of lands of different purposes of Sumy region of Ukraine, with quarantine weeds of ragweed and field cover was analyzed. The research was conducted in 2018‒2020 in the conditions of Sumy region, which is territorially part of the north-eastern part of the left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Research methods are generally accepted. In the list of quarantine organisms of limited distribution in Ukraine (A-2), 5 species of insects, 5 diseases, 1 nematode and 6 species of weeds are widespread in our country. Hyphantria cunea, Globodera rostochiensis, Ambrósia artemisiifolia, Cuscuta cam-pestris Yuncker are widespread in the Sumy region. H. cunea is distributed in 6 districts of the region: Velykopysarivsky, Konotop, Okhtyrsky, Romensky, Trostyanetsky and Sumy on the area of 10.0; 40.0; 5.0; 167.0; 11.2; 5.6 hectares, respectively. The total af-fected area was 238.81 hectares. G. rostochiensis was found in 4 districts of the region: Okhtyrsky (17.19), Seredino-Budsky (140.43), Sumy (335.21), Yampilsky (77.12), on an area of 569.95 hectares. A. artemisiifolia was found in 18 districts of the region: (Bilopilsky, Burynsky, Velykopysarivsky, Glukhivsky, Konotop, Krasnopilsky, Krolevets, Lebedynsky, Lipovodolinsky, Nedrygailivsky, Okhtyrsky, Putivlsky, Romensky, Seredino-Budsky, Sumy, Trostyanetsky, Shostkynsky, Yampilsky) settlements, on the area of 1834.3 hectares. The largest area of infection is observed in Buryn, Velykopysarivsky, Konotop, Krasnopil districts, Sumy: respectively 200.7; 188.9; 237.5; 371.7; 100.0 hectares. In most districts, non-agricultural lands are infected, with the exception of Buryn, Konotop and Krasnopil and Lipovodolinsky districts. Private homesteads of citizens were free of ragweed. C. campestris was found in Velykopysarivskyi district on the area of one hectares.


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How to Cite
Burdulanyuk, A. O., Tatarynova, V. I., Rozhkova, T. O., YemetsО. М., & Demenko, V. M. (2021). PHYTOSANITARY RISK OF SPREAD AND REPRODUCTION OF QUARANTINE ORGANISMS, CONTROL OF THEIR NUMBER IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE SUMY REGION OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 43(1), 3-9.