Keywords: winter rape, chemical ameliorants, fertilizers, seeds, straw, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, yield


Influence of fertilizer (N120Р90К120), sulfur-containing fertilizers, foliar fertilization with micronutrients, different doses, and types of limestone ameliorants on the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium content in the main and by-products of winter rape are given. The aim of the research was to establish the content of nutrients in the seeds and straw of winter rapeseed depending on fertilizers and liming. Research methods: field, agrochemical, statistical. The application of limestone ameliorants on the background of N120P90K120 provided an increase of winter rapeseed yield by 1.08–2.07 t/ha, straw – by 2.09–3.40 t/ha to relatively of control (without fertilizers) and the formation of the ratio seeds: straw at the level of 1.95–2.32 on sod-podzolic soil of Western Polissia. The content of nutrients in seeds of winter rapeseed ranged from 3,17 to 3,56% of nitrogen, 0,85–0,95 % of phosphorus, 1,09–1.17 % of potassium; in straw – 1.05–1.24 % of nitrogen, 0.22–0.35 % of phosphorus, 1.39–1.52 % of potassium depending on the fertilizing and doses of limestone application. The most effectiveness variant was the use a 1.0 dose of dolomite flour (by hydrolytic acid) in combination with N120P90K90, sulfur and microfertilizer Nutrivant Plus Cereals (2 kg/ha). The total uptake of nutrients by winter rapeseed products mainly depended on fertilizers and doses of liming too. The maximum total uptake of elements was obtained in variants of using 1.0 dose of dolomite flour with addition S40 and microfertilizer Nutrivant Plus and 1.5 dose on the background of N120P90K120: nitrogen 156.7 and 163.9 kg/ha, phosphorus 42.8 and 40.3 kg/ha, potassium 106.1 and 110.9 kg/ha. The highest normative nutrients removal by a 1 ton of seeds and the appropriate amount of by-products (59,1 kg of nitrogen, 16.1 of phosphorus and 40.1 kg of potassium) were observed by the applying 1,0 dose of dolomite flour with S40 and microfertilizer on the background of mineral fertilizer (N120Р90K120).


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How to Cite
Polovyi, V. M., Yashchenko, L. A., Kurach, O. V., Rovna, H. F., & Huk, B. V. (2021). UPTAKE OF MAIN BIOGENIC ELEMENTS BY WINTER RAPE PRODUCTS DEPENDING ON FERTILIZERS AND LIME-STONE MELIORANTS APPLICATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 43(1), 36-41. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2021.1.5