Seasonal dependence of sow productivity of danish origin from constructive features ventilation systems during hair and lactation

Keywords: sow, pig, type of ventilation, multiplicity, weight of pig nest, safety, season of the year.


In the article the annual dynamics of reproductive qualities of sows of Danish origin during their keeping in the premises of the industrial complex was compared under different systems of microclimate creation in the conditions of the steppe of Ukraine. No regularities were established for the total number of piglets born, multiplicity, fertility, weight of piglets nests at birth, and the number of piglets weaned in sows kept during the suckling period in classic and «Exatope» ventilation machines. At the same time, it was found that «Exatope» ventilation has a significant excess of 0,46 0,51 kg, or 6,83-8,37% of the weight of one pig, and 5,87 7,73 kg or 6,268,37% of the nest weight of the piglets when weaned. Also, a comprehensive evaluation index was higher in animals kept in this facility. It was found that the time of year significantly affected the reproduction rates of sows kept in the premises under both ventilation systems. The best indicators were the winter-spring period of the year worse in the summer and autumn. The highest fertility was found in the furrowing animals, which accounted for the winter and season seasons for both ventilation systems 15,1414,78 heads, and the lowest were in the autumn 13,9714,52 (p <0,001). The best conservation of piglets was established in the spring of 95,2094,47%, and the worse in the summer 88,30 91,06% (p <0,05). In the transitional seasons, it had an intermediate rate. The number of pigs weaned also turned out to be the highest in the spring of the year, 13,9113,86 heads, while in the autumn it was 12,9313,14 heads (p <0,01). The weight of one piglet when weaned was highest in winter 6,887,35 kg, and lowest in summer 6,07 6,53 kg (p <0,001). Weight of nests of piglets when weaned was highest in winter 94,39 101,00, and lowest in autumn – 79,3887,11 (p <0,001). The best estimates of the comprehensive index of reproductive features were calculated in sows in winter 49,2550,03, and the worst in autumn 46,4146,90. Using analysis of variance, it was found that sows' reproductive characteristics were influenced by both the season and the ventilation system. Greater force of influence differed the time of year, which probably influenced the weight of one piglet by 21,25% and the mass of the nest at weaning 19,65%, the conservation of piglets before weaning by – 11,74% and multiplicity – 7,55%. At the same time, the ventilation system had a lower impact on these indicators on the weight of one piglet by 10,55% and the mass of the nest when weaned – 5,69%, the conservation of piglets before weaning by – 4,09%, and on its multiplicity it had a significant impact. The interaction of these two factors practically did not influence the change of the studied indicators.


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How to Cite
Mykhalko , O., & Povod , M. (2019). Seasonal dependence of sow productivity of danish origin from constructive features ventilation systems during hair and lactation. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (38), 78-90.