Evaluation of stud boars of modern genotypes based on their sperm productivity

Keywords: stud boars; ejaculate; sperm mobility; sperm production; reproduction; parent; terminal line


The article examines the sperm production performance of Landrace and Yorkshire boars, boars of UVB-3 intrabreed type and MaxGrow, MaxTer, and OptiMus synthetic lines. It was found that boars of UVB-3 intrabreed type were the best in terms of sperm concentration, as it exceeded values obtained from the other study groups by 27.5-82.1 million/ml. It was found that MaxTer terminal boars had rather high sperm concentration, 286.6 ± 6.00 million/ml, with sperm mobility of 8.7 points, and produced the highest number of semen doses - 30.0 ± 0.71 pcs. Ejaculate from MaxGrow boars was the largest in volume (p ≤ 0.001) and exceeded that from boars of UVB-3 intrabreed type by 63.2 ml (17.9 %). Landrace boars produced the large-volume ejaculate but their sperm concentration was rather low. Evaluation of the reproductive qualities of boars based on the fertility of sows inseminated with their sperm showed that the most fertile were sows which were inseminated with sperm from terminal boars of synthetic lines. The terminal boars of MaxGrow, MaxTer, and OptiMus lines had a significant advantage in sperm quality, and thus they can be used more effectively as recurrent parents to obtain commercial hybrids.


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How to Cite
Khramkova, O., & Povod, M. (2019). Evaluation of stud boars of modern genotypes based on their sperm productivity. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (38), 91-95. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2019.3.11