Analysis of the state of dairy cattle breeding in Ukraine, as a promising sector of the economy

Keywords: cattle, productivity, dairy cattle, agricultural enterprises, milk, beef.


The object of research was the dairy cattle industry of Ukraine. The purpose of the paper was to analyze the state of the dairy cattle industry in Ukraine, identify problems and ways to overcome the crisis. The dairy cattle industry in Ukraine is characterized by a decrease in the livestock population, a decrease in the total milk production. The loss of dairy cows is a waste of strategic resources, the recovery of which is quite problematic in the near future. Therefore, the stabilization of livestock and the development of dairy cattle should be an important priority for agricultural production. Trends in the structure of milk production testify to the gradual increase of its volumes by large agricultural enterprises, which is positive in terms of milk quality and economic efficiency of its production. The main trends in dairy cattle development are to focus on expanding milk production in large farms. To maintain the required level of dairy production, dairy enterprises will continue to initiate and finance the country's independence in this segment of the national agri-food market, as well as to protect it from substandard imported products; monitor compliance with environmental regulations and anti-epidemiological measures, especially by large producers, who typically locate their production near large settlements. The basis of dairy cattle should be domestic breeds, which by genetic potential are at the level of the best European analogues, and their quality, milk, fertility, duration of productive use make them superior. The quantity and quality of dairy raw materials produced in Ukraine today do not meet market requirements. The main reasons for this are the small-scale milk production, its concentration mainly in households, the constant reduction of dairy livestock, the low efficiency of breeding work, the lack of funds for the introduction of advanced feeding technologies, the maintenance and reproduction of the herd, the lack of economic and social incentives for improving the organization of labor. animal husbandry, in particular, low wages, poor working conditions in the countryside, etc. Further improvement of the situation in dairy cattle requires state incentives for producers to support their activities.


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk , I., Slusar , M., & Kovalchuk , I. (2019). Analysis of the state of dairy cattle breeding in Ukraine, as a promising sector of the economy. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(39), 63-67.