Backgrounds for robotizing the cow milking process


The work was carried out in the conditions of the Olshanskoye dairy complex in Dvurechansky district, Kharkiv region in 2018-2019, where excellent conditions were created for 500 highly productive cows of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed.As the objects for research, we used two GEA milking robots (Germany) serving 120 cows and a farm for 380 cows, which in 2011 was reconstructed for loose box housing for cows and fed from the feed table, watering from typical group drinkers. For milking the cows of the main herd, a Euroclass 2x12 «Fir-tree» milking unit was used. Before using milking robots, the dairy complex should be transferred to an effective industrial technology that ensures milk productivity of cows at the level of 10 thousand kg / year with a profitability of its production of 35-50%. The primary task is to create our own complete, stable feed base on the basis of priority feed crops with the aim of producing per cow, on average, 116 GJOE and organize the same year-round feeding of feed mixtures, compiled according to detailed feeding standards for highly productive cows with costs per 1 centner of milk within 1.12 GJOE, including through concentrated feed 580-638 MJOE. The system of growing heifers should provide an average daily weight gain of 800 g for the entire growing period, including up to 6 months - 890 g, to the year - 800 g, older than 810 g with feed consumption per 1 kg of weight gain not more than 74.24 MJOE, including concentrated feeds - 24.36 MJOE. The use of milking robots does not increase the average daily milk yield of cows, but helps to reduce the cost of human labor, and their narrow feature - the mismatch of the length of time of milking and the duration of consumption of the selected compound feed, which must be borne in mind and make appropriate adjustments. The herd management system used at the Vilshanske dairy complex ensures the efficiency of milking robots at the cow productivity level in 2018, on average, 10556 kg and the profitability of its production within 34.4-43.7% and the payback of milking robots 3 years and 10 months


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How to Cite
Bugayі Т., Gnoevyі I., Naumenko , A., & Gnoevyі V. (2020). Backgrounds for robotizing the cow milking process. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1 (40), 30-37.