Development of production program and spatial planning solutions for two-phase technology of growing young pigs

Keywords: technology, space-planning solutions, premises, equipment, boars, sows, piglets, young growth, productivity.


The article shows the main advantages of modern industrial two-phase technology and conditions for optimal keeping and feeding of sows and piglets. With the aim of successfully introducing the two-phase technology, a production program and space-planning solutions for premises have been developed for raising young animals on a small-type industrial pig farm with a production capacity of 4000 young animals per year. Indicators of the production program of pork production for a small farm are given. The main technological parameters of continuous production were calculated: the number of technological groups, the duration of the stay of animals in the group, the number of days of the sanitary break. Shown is the calculation of machine places for single, conditionally pregnant, obviously pregnant, suckling sows, suckling piglets, weaning piglets in brood pens, replacement young animals on an industrial farm under the conditions of selling piglets at 65 days. Presents space-planning solutions, room No. 1 for keeping boars, single, conditionally pregnant, gestating sows, and room No. 2 for keeping suckling sows, suckling piglets and growing them up to 65 days of age. The article presents space-planning solutions, room No. 1 for keeping boars, single, conditionally pregnant, gestating sows, and room No. 2 for keeping suckling sows, suckling piglets and growing them up to 65 days of age. In addition, drawings of a general view of pens for farrowing and rearing young pigs for dry (SP-4FS) and combined (SP-4FK) type of feeding are shown. The paper provides a brief description of equipment for keeping, feeding, ventilation, manure removal and purification of polluted air. Provides a comparative characteristic of the effectiveness of design and technological solutions of the premises for keeping suckling sows and young pigs. In particular, it shows the number of machine stations, the turnover of the machine place, the number of overgrown young animals received from one e machine place per year, the gross output per one machine place per year, the output per 1 m2 of production area. Developed design, technological and space-planning solutions for the farrowing room for sows and the maintenance of weaning pigs up to 65 days of age with new pen equipment for an industrial pig farm with a capacity of 4000 heads make it possible to obtain a gross output of products per machine place of 12.95 centners per year and an output per 1 m2 of production area of 3.07 centners (versus 10.44 centners per year and 1.39 centners in the basic version, respectively).


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How to Cite
Ivanov , V., Zasukha , L., & Hryhorenko , V. (2020). Development of production program and spatial planning solutions for two-phase technology of growing young pigs. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 38-43.