Characteristics of qualitative composition of milk of cows of ukrainian brown dairy breed

Keywords: milk, breed, correlation, fat content, protein content, somatic cells.


The analysis of literature sources on the issue of breed characteristics of qualitative indicators of milk productivity of cows is carried out. Breed features concerning the content of separate components of milk are revealed. One of the important criteria for the quality of raw milk is the number of somatic cells in milk, given that they are a reliable indicator of cows' disease of mastitis. Therefore, to monitor the competitiveness of dairy farming requires regular monitoring of milk quality. This applies primarily to animals of domestic breeds, due to the small number of studies. The solution to this issue has led to research on the livestock of the Ukrainian brown dairy breed, which is kept in the State Enterprise "Experimental Farm agrofirm "Nadiya" of the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine." The content of milk components was determined in the laboratory of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine on Bentley equipment. We analyzed the qualitative characteristics of milk productivity of cows and found that animals of the Ukrainian brown dairy breed have a sufficient content of fat and protein in milk. The dependence of the content of milk components on the age of animals is revealed. Thus, adult animals had an advantage in terms of protein, casein, dry matter and dry nonfat milk residue over the first-born cows. The average content of somatic cells in milk corresponded to the physiological norm. It was found that with increasing age in cows increases the content of somatic cells in milk. The connection of different direction and level of reliability between separate qualitative indicators of milk is revealed. A positive relationship has been established between the content of fat and protein in milk, fat and dry matter, protein and casein, protein and dry skim milk residue. it has also been found that in adult animals the bond strength increases. A significant negative correlation was found between the number of somatic cells in milk and the content of dry nonfat milk residue and lactose. Further improvement of the Ukrainian brown dairy breed should be aimed at improving the quality of milk.


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How to Cite
Chernyavska , T. (2020). Characteristics of qualitative composition of milk of cows of ukrainian brown dairy breed. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (42), 82-86.