The relationship between haematological indexes and the composition of cow's colostrum with the development of their offspring

Keywords: dairy cattle, colostrum, haematological indexes, calf growth, correlation variability.


To find ways of selection of animals on haematological characteristics of calves depending on sex, colostrum composition, and parameters of maternal blood, one studied the morphological and biochemical composition of calves and maternal blood and the number and composition of colostrum of cows. The research was carried out at 14 calves (8 bulls and 6 heifers) in the breeding herd "Tarasivskyi" of Kyiv region (Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed). There was no significant difference in morphological, biochemical composition and immunological parameters of blood of cows aged four years and older and mothers of bulls or heifers. Older cows have a natural advantage in the amount of colostrum obtained in the first five milkings. On the composition of colostrum of the first milking, no noticeable, statistically significant difference between cows of younger and older than four years’ age was found. Cows, which born bulls, had a higher content of total protein, gamma globulins and all Ig fractions in colostrum of the first milking. In terms of the content of albumin and alpha-globulins in colostrum, cows that born heifers had a slight advantage. The different direction of correlation relationship between haematological parameters of newborn cows and the composition of colostrum of the first milk indicates the lack of certain biological relationship and the impossibility of predicting the quality of colostrum by blood parameters of cows. Examination of haematological parameters of the blood of controlled calves for the majority of indexes does not show a significant difference between the averages of bulls and heifers both on the first and on the sixth day after birth. From the first to the sixth day after birth, the content of erythrocytes, segmental nuclear neutrophils, Ig I, phagocytic, bactericidal and lysozyme activity and phagocytic index in the blood of calves increases slightly, and the content of lymphocytes significantly increases (almost twice). On the other hand, the content of globulin, Ig G and stick-nuclear neutrophils, monocytes and Ig A is slightly reduced. On the majority of the studied haematological indexes of newborn calves on the first and sixth days of colostrum feeding, no significant stable unidirectional correlation of haematological parameters with the quantity and quality of colostrum of the first mother's milk was detected. A statistically significant multidirectional correlation was found only for certain indexes of blood and colostrum, which cannot provide a reliable prognosis for the formation of passive colostral immunity. Postnatal length growth of calves is inversely proportional to the content of total protein in the mother's colostrum and directly proportional to the content of alpha and beta globulin. Content of gamma globulins in colostrum correlates and facilitate to the relative narrowness of the offspring at one year age.


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How to Cite
Polupan , Y., & Klimkovetskyi А. (2020). The relationship between haematological indexes and the composition of cow’s colostrum with the development of their offspring. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(43), 133-147.