Reproductive qualities of sows of large white breed of different intrabreed differentiation according to the index "level of adaptation" and economic efficiency of their use

Keywords: sow, life expectancy, duration of breeding use, reproductive qualities, index, level of adaptation, economic efficiency, variability, correlation.


The paper presents the results of studies of long-term adaptation and reproductive qualities of sows of large white breed, calculated indicators of variability of traits and their correlation, as well as the economic efficiency of research results. The experimental part of the work was carried out in agricultural formations of Dnipropetrovsk region (LLC "AF Dzerzhinets", LLC "Renaissance") and livestock laboratories of the State Institution Institute of Grain Crops NAAS. The work was performed according to IPA NAAS №30 "Innovative technologies of breeding, industrial and organic production of pig products (" Pig breeding "). The object of the study was the main sows of the large white breed. Evaluation of animals of the specified production group and breed on indicators of level of adaptation and reproductive qualities was carried out taking into account the following quantitative signs: life expectancy (TJ), months; duration of breeding use (MSW), months; received farrowings for the period of breeding use, received total piglets, heads; fertility, heads; nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days, kg; safety of piglets before weaning,%; The index "level of adaptation was calculated according to the method of V.S. Smirnov. (2003), index of reproductive qualities of sows - according to the method of M.D. Berezovsky (P.A. Vashchenko, 2019). It was found that the life expectancy of sows of the main herd is 44.1 months, the duration of breeding use - 32.8 months, the index "level of adaptation" - 11.87 points. According to the indicators of fertility and nest weight at the time of weaning, the animals of the main herd belong to the I class and the elite class. Taking into account the intra-breed differentiation according to the index "level of adaptation" sows of class M-significantly outperformed peers of class M + in terms of life expectancy, duration of breeding use and the index "level of adaptation" by an average of 64.11%. A significant difference between groups of animals of these classes was found in terms of fertility (2.0 heads, td = 2.22), "nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days, kg" (5.9 kg, td = 2.56), index of reproductive qualities of the sow (index of MD Berezovsky) (3.9 points, td = 2.60). Pairwise correlation coefficients between traits that characterize the level of adaptation and reproductive qualities of sows range from -0.704 (tr = 10.80) to +0.982 (tr = 213.05). The use of sows of large white breed class M- according to the index "level of adaptation" provides the maximum increase in production (+5.71%).


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How to Cite
Khalak , V. (2021). Reproductive qualities of sows of large white breed of different intrabreed differentiation according to the index "level of adaptation" and economic efficiency of their use. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1(44), 98-102.