Keywords: rations, milk productivity, cows, metabolism, efficiency, feed conversion


Production studies to assess the impact of balanced diets on milk productivity of cows, metabolism and efficiency of feed conversion into milk were conducted on the population of Ukrainian black-spotted breed PSP "Novoselytsia" Popilnyansky district of Zhytomyr region, in the amount of 36 heads. The cows were in the second period of lactation, the average daily milk production was 13.9 kg with 4.1% fat. Research has optimized the lowest-cost diet using diet-balancing software. The diet was balanced in terms of metabolic energy, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus, in accordance with the feeding norms for cattle. All experimental animals were fed a balanced diet for 30 days, except for the 15-day adaptation period. Feeding cows with a balanced diet and improving the supply of calcium and phosphorus had a positive effect on increasing milk yield4% fat by 0.7 kg / cow (P <0.05). At the same time, the cost of feeding decreased by 17.0%. Optimization of rations can improve metabolic processes in cows, similar studies show that the level of immunoglobulins and uric acid in the blood increases significantly, while the level of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) decreas-es (P <0,01) from 18.2 to 15.0 mg / dl. The conversion of feed into milk also improves from 0.8 to 1.0. This study shows that bal-anced feeding of cows, after adjusting the rations in accordance with the norms of feeding, improves milk production, improves metabolic processes in the body and the efficiency of feed conversion into cow production conditions. Thus, a balanced diet of dairy cows improves nutrient utilization, milk production, microbial nitrogen supply, and feed conversion efficiency.


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How to Cite
Borshchenko, V. V., Lavryniuk, O. O., Solonenko, N. I., Solonenko, E. L., & Krysan, S. V. (2021). INFLUENCE OF BALANCED FEEDING RATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY OF CRUSTS, SUBSTANCE EXCHANGE AND EFFICIENCY OF FEED CONVERSION IN MILK. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3 (46), 121-126.