Keywords: reproductive qualities, safety, multiplicity, nest weight, maternal lines, paternal lines


The aim of the article was to investigate the dependence of reproductive productivity of sows for breeding on maternal and paternal genotypes. To study the reproductive qualities of sows of maternal and paternal genotypes, the analysis of productivity of sows of maternal (large white and landrace) and paternal (synthetic line Maxgro) Irish selection was carried out in terms of the total number of piglets born, sows of large white breed probably outnumbered their analogues from the experimental groups by 1.29 (p <0.01) and 6.23 (p <0.001) heads, which indicates the great potential for multifertility of this maternal line. Sows of other maternal breeds also predominated by 4.94 (p <0.001) heads of their peers of the paternal synthetic line. In our studies in sows of maternal genotypes, due to their high fertility, the survival of piglets before weaning on the 28th day of their life was 22.85 and 17.70% (p <0.001) worse compared to animals of the paternal synthetic line. The worst survival was found in sows of the control group, which on this indicator were inferior to 4.85% of their peers of the Landrace breed (p <0.05). In terms of nest weight of piglets at weaning, Landrace sows outperformed their large white breed counterparts by 7.12 kg (p <0.01) and 4.24 kg (p <0.05) by their peers of the parental Maxgro synthetic line. In turn, no significant differences were found in the nest weight of piglets when weaned from sows of large white breed and synthetic line Maxgro. According to the complex of reproductive traits, which were determined by calculating the selection index of reproductive qualities of sows (SIVYAS), the best were sows of large white breed 97.72 points. Animals of another maternal line in the Landrace breed were only 0.84 points behind them. At the same time, sows of both maternal genotypes were superior to the analogues from the paternal synthetic line Maxgro by 31.64 and 29.66 points.


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How to Cite
Povod, M. H., Mykhalko, O. H., & KremezM. І. (2022). REPRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF SOWS OF MATERNAL AND PATERNAL LINES IN THE CONDITIONS OF A BREEDING BREEDER. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 133-137.

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