Keywords: bulls, the longest spinal muscle, hepar, blue lupin, field beans, concentration, heavy metals


The paper studies the impact of bulls’ protein nutrition under their keeping in the third zone of the radioactive contamination on the ecologic quality of production –the longest spinal muscle and the hepar. Two groups of young cattle were formed: the first group (the control one) – received a mixture of grains № 1 with blue lupine of local production as a basal ration; the second group (the experimental one ) received a mixture of grains №2 with “net product” field beans. The sample preparation of plant- and animal origin for estimating heavy metals in their composition was made by using a method of dry mineralization, the analysis was carried out on the atomic-absorption spectrometer “Kwant-2A”. The transition coefficient (TC) of heavy metals in a chain “ration – production (muscle tissue and hepar)” was estimated by a formula: TC = Chmap/Chmdr х 100, where Chmap – is the content of heavy metals in animal produce, mg/kg; Chmdr is the content of heavy metals in a daily ration, mg. The use of the mixture of grains №2 (wheat + oats + field beans) for bull fattening in the zone of radioactive contamination instead of the same amount of the mixture of grains №1 (wheat + oats + lupin) had positive impact on the ecologic quality of beaf, reducing the amount of heavy metals in the longest spinal muscle. The accumulation of heavy metals in the longest spinal muscle and in a hepar of the experimental bulls was considerably lower than the permissible concentration rates. The substitution of lupin (30%) in mass in the mixture of grains for a corresponding amount of field beans for young cattle under its fattening in the third zone of radioactive contamination is beneficial in reducing the accumulation and the transition of heavy metals into the muscle tissue of the animals: Pb – by 49,7% and 0,30% abs., Cd – 25,0 and 0,32, Cu – 8,3 and 0,35; and Zn – by 1,1% and 0,12% abs. respectively.


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How to Cite
Yashchuk, I. V., & Savchuk, I. M. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF PROTEIN NUTRITION OF BULLS ON THE ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN MUSCLE TISSUE AND LIVER. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 179-185.