Keywords: training, national program, working qualities, breed, competitions.


The article presents an analysis of the current state of national dog training programs of the Ukrainian Kennel Union and future prospects for their development. The analysis of the dynamics of competitions in various dog training programs in the РО «Ukrainian Kennel Union» was carried out. In the future, the differences in the organization of tests according to national and international standards of dog training were studied. The working qualities of dogs were evaluated in national and international training programs for protective and protective skills. The primary factors of selection of dogs for training in defense skills were studied, respectively, according to national and international standards. The research was conducted on a number of dogs that were registered with the Ukrainian Kennel Union and took part in competitions of international and national training programs. The implementation of the tasks of the work involved the use of a set of generally accepted analytical and biometric methods. According to our results, we see that international training programs outperform national programs both in terms of the number of registered programs and the number of competitions. A comparative description of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of competitions in international programs on obedience and defense skills with similar national programs is made, and conclusions are given in the following sequence: in the first case, international programs on obedience skills predominate, and in the second – national programs, the most popular of which is the complex of security and protection programs «Vidsich». In our research, the results of dogs ' performance in defense skills at the Ukrainian championships showed that the score of dogs at competitions according to the standards of the «Vidsich» program (63.7-69.4 points) is lower compared to IGP (72.8-87.6 points) and has a high coefficient of variation (34.48 – 39.53%). This can be explained by different evaluation criteria, and it also indicates that dogs that have different levels of training and demonstrate more variable protection and protection work perform in «Vidsich» competitions. The number of different breeds, which include dogs participating in competitions in both obedience and defense skills, significantly prevails in national training programs than in international ones. It was determined that the influence of dog breed on the results of the IGP test is the greatest (ŋ2x=0.4) and statistically likely (P≥0.999). In national SS and OS training programs, the impact is insignificant and statistically unlikely (p<0.95), which indicates the ability of owners of Dogs of different service breeds to successfully complete training courses according to these standards. It is proved that it is the national training programs for protection and protection skills that are more attractive for dog owners and have prospects for further development in our country.


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How to Cite
Bula, L. V., Levchenko, I. V., Vechorka, V. V., Bartienieva, L. S., Vynohrad, O. V., & Kuziakin, S. S. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS OF THE VISION OF NATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS OF THE PO «UKRAINIAN KENNEL UNION». Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 3-10.

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