Keywords: breeding, crossbreeding, multiplicity, preservation, piglets, sow.


The article describes the results of studying the reproductive qualities of sows of Great White and Landrace breeds in their purebred breeding and crossing in the breeder. The productivity of Landrace and Large White sows was compared with their purebred breeding in GGP herd conditions under their direct and reciprocal crossing in GP level conditions. The correlations between the indicators of sows' reproductive capacity for each of the breeds and the degree of influence of breed affiliation and breeding method on the change in the level of basic reproductive qualities are calculated. It was found that the total number of piglets at birth and the number of piglets did not depend on the method of breeding, while the survival of piglets before weaning and their number during this period tended to increase in sows GGP herd where purebred breeding was used. It was proved that sows of Large White breed showed a tendency to increase the total number of piglets at birth and fertility compared to analogues of Landrace breed, while the indicators of survival of piglets before weaning and their number at weaning was reversed. It was determined that in sows of both mother breeds there was a strong direct relationship between the total number of piglets at birth and fertility (r = 0.67–0.88) and a strong negative relationship between fertility and survival of piglets (r = - 0.63–0.70). Of medium strength, a direct relationship was found between the safety of piglets and their number at weaning (r = 0.34–0.52), between the safety and proportion of stillborn piglets (r = 0.43–0.47) and the same inverse strength the relationship between the total number of piglets at birth and their safety (r = - 0.33–0.52), fertility and the proportion of stillborn piglets (r = -0.37–0.43). Other signs of reproducibility were associated with weak correlations. The strength of the influence of breed factors and breeding methods only on the total number of piglets at birth, the proportion of stillborn piglets and fertility, in its absence on the rest of the indicators of reproductive capacity. The influence of breed factors was significantly higher compared to the method of breeding.


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How to Cite
Kremez, M. I., Povod, M. H., Mykhalko, O. H., Trybrat, R. O., Kalinichenko, H. I., Onyshchenko, L. M., Kravchenko, O. O., & Karatieieva, O. I. (2022). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE REPRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF SOWS AND THE POWER OF INFLUENCE ON THE BREED AND METHOD OF BREEDING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 31-39.

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