Keywords: рigs, feeding, diet, zinc, manganese, digestibility of substances, balance experiment.


At the present stage of development of animal husbandry in our country, the level and balance of feeding farm animals in many cases does not meet scientifically based standards. The study of the influence of a mineral supplement, which included a mixture of zinc and manganese salts in the form of carbonate salts, in different ratios, on the digestibility of nutrients is relevant. Studies have shown that when the balance in the body of one or another mineral element is disturbed, there are violations of the processes of assimilation of nutrients, leading to a decrease in the productivity of animals. Data on the effect of microelements, namely zinc and manganese in different ratios, on the digestibility of nutrients are presented. In the first experiment, when analyzing the coefficients of nutrient digestibility of diets between animals of the second and third experimental groups, one should pay attention to the fact that balancing the diets of pigs with a microelement supplement according to zootechnical needs and introducing an increased dose of zinc (50%) into the diet had practically no effect on digestibility. substance, protein and REM. At the same time, in pigs of the 2nd experimental group, an increase in the digestibility of crude fiber by 5.5 and a decrease in the digestibility of dry fat, respectively, were noted for analogues of the 3rd experimental group. Analysis of the results of the second physiological experiment shows that the inclusion of mineral supplements of various composition in the main diet, namely with an increased dose (50%) of manganese, affects the digestibility of the main nutrients of the diet in experimental animals of all three groups in different ways. Therefore, feeding a mineral supplement to a composition that includes zinc and manganese in the form of carbonates in various ratios does not equally affect the digestibility of nutrients. The best results were obtained when balancing diets with a mineral supplement in a zinc to manganese ratio of 1.2:1.


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How to Cite
Novhorodska, N. V., & Razanova, O. P. (2022). DIGESTIBILITY OF NUTRIENTS USING DIFFERENT ZINC AND MANGANESE RATIOS IN THE YOUNG PIGS DIETS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 40-46. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2022.1.6