Keywords: technology, maintenance, feeding, breed, shell.


The paper presents the results of studying the impact on the quality parameters of the bioceramic protective layer of eggs keeping and feeding chickens. Organic components, phase composition and morphological parameters, protective bioceramic layer of hatching eggs of hens according to the norms and in violation of the norms of feeding and keeping birds during egg laying are considered. During the study, groups of chickens were formed, for which the conditions of keeping and feeding that do not meet the norm were created. Hicex Brown, Lohmann Brown, Dominant Brown D-102 and Leghorn White chickens were used. Changes in the diet of calcium in the feed, the presence of mycotoxins, the level of light, air temperature and humidity in the room were considered. The influence of the above factors on the body of birds was determined, and as a consequence the quality of the bioceramic protective layer of eggs. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the phase composition and morphological parameters of the eggshells obtained from the hens of the experimental and control groups. Hens are sensitive to housing and feeding conditions during egg laying. When the parameters of the microclimate are violated, there is an irregular shape and a decrease in the size of the eggs, the percentage of eggs with violations of the structure of the shell layers increases. Lack of calcium in the diet of chickens leads to a violation of the synthesis of structural layers of the eggshell, the structure of the layers of the shell is more loose, the shell has a lower density with a significant number of cavities. Bacterially contaminated feed has a destructive effect on the morphology of the shell of chicken eggs. Diseases of chickens lead to improper structure of the eggshell, with a slight thickness. In case of violation of the feeding regime and non-compliance with the norms of keeping, infectious diseases of laying hens cause significant changes in the formation of bioceramic layers of poultry eggshells, which causes deterioration of its quality characteristics. In the study of the microstructure of the shell, it was found that the degree of formation of the mammary and conical layers determines the further development of other layers, and the density of the shell as a whole.


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How to Cite
Petrenko, H. O., Bordunova, O. H., & Chernenko, O. M. (2022). STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF CHICKEN FEEDING ON QUALITATIVE PARAMETERS OF THE BIOCERAMIC PROTECTIVE LAYER OF EGGS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 52-58.