Keywords: fattening, Intermix, live weight, gain, measurements, indices.


Factors in the formation of meat productivity of cattle are breed, level and type of animal feeding, age of the animal, housing conditions, intensity of breeding, keeping. The introduction into the main diet of the studied feed additive contributed to the increase in live weight and, accordingly, the average daily gain, increasing the exterior measurements of the bulls of the experimental groups. Compared with the control group, the experimental bulls had the best lifetime indicators of meat productivity, including an increase in the index of breast, pelvic-thoracic, beaten and massive. The aim of the study was to study the growth and development of bulls of Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed aged 6-16 months. for feeding in the diet of PVMS Intermix fattening in the conditions of the economy of Vinnytsia region. The technology of raising bulls on a diet with PVMS Intermix fattening provided an increase in the intensity of animal growth. Live weight before the age of 15 months reached 439.1 kg, exceeding control peers by 7.0%. The results of the study allow us to judge the positive effect of the studied feed additive in the cultivation of bulls of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed on meat, as evidenced by the average daily increase in their live weight. For 9 months of fattening bulls (6-15 months) received 968 g of average daily live weight gain, which is higher than control peers by 85 g. miss. - for 0.2, 9-10 months. - 0.4, 10-11 and 11-12 months. - 0.5, 12-13 and 13-14 months. - 0.6, 14-15 months. - 0.8. At the end of 12 months of age, bulls, which were fed PVMS Intermix fattening in the diet, were characterized by a higher intensity of measurements, height in the buttocks by 1.9%, breast depth - by 3.08%, breast width at the shoulders - by 3.5 %, chest girth - by 1.8%. The bulls of the experimental group had a higher index of beating by 1.9%, massiveness - by 1.7%, pelvic-thoracic - by 2.1%.


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How to Cite
Razanova, O. P., Yaremchuk, O. S., Hutyi, B. V., Novhorodska, N. V., & Farionik, T. V. (2022). INFLUENCE OF PVMS INTERMIX ON LIVING WEIGHT AND LINEAR MEASUREMENTS OF BULLS OF UKRAINIAN BLACK AND SPINNED MILK BREED. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 65-71.