Assessment of the implementation of the heritage breeding productivity of the Holstein Breed

Keywords: breed, milk productivity, reproductive ability, regression.


In dairy cattle breeding and genetic methods are used to improve the productivity of animals and the formation of high-yielding herds of dairy cattle, which contributes to their competitiveness and profitability. In a market economy, this problem is of particular importance since only such herds are cost-effective and capable of producing large quantities of quality products.

In cattle breeding, regression analysis is used to determine how much the average of one trait changes when changed to the unit of measure of another trait. It was found that animals of Holstein breed of German breeding were characterized by lower regression coefficients of milk productivity, except for protein content in milk, compared to Holstein cows of Ukrainian breeding. We also observe a negative regression dependence on fat content in milk (bd / M = -0.182). This can be explained by changes occurring in the process of adapting imported cattle to new operating conditions.

Breeding and breeding work with cattle of the Holstein breed was aimed at raising milk and milk milk, as this is due to the modern requirements of the dairy business. Given the importance of protein milk, we analyzed the regression relationship between qualitative traits. Thus, with an increase in protein content in milk by 1.0%, milk fat increases on average by 0.102% for mothers and 0.531% for daughters. Conversely, with an increase in fat content in milk of 1.0%, milk protein increases on average by 0.024% for mothers and by 0.083% for daughters.

As a result of a comparative regression analysis of the productive traits of Holstein cows of Ukrainian breeding, it was found that more attention is paid to the increase in milk yield of animals and due to this the increase in the amount of milk fat and protein in daughters obtained from mothers of different productivity levels.

According to the results of the regression analysis, the presence of rectilinear dependence was established both between breeding traits and on individual traits in related groups of animals (mother-daughter). Regression dependence of traits in daughters and mothers was found in groups distributed by the level of maternal milk yield, which reflects the conditionality of productivity in their offspring. This, in turn, made it possible to clarify the effectiveness of breeding in the formation of a high-yielding herd of Holstein breed, which occurs through the importation of uterine livestock and the use of boogie-enhancers.


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How to Cite
Patreeva, L., Nezhlukchenko, T., LugovyіS., Strikha, L., & Zaitsev, E. (2019). Assessment of the implementation of the heritage breeding productivity of the Holstein Breed. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1-2(36-37), 87-94.