Current state and development trends of domestic pig breeding

Keywords: pig breeding, livestock, breed, pork market, agricultural enterprises, households, demand, import, price situation.


Pig farming is an important branch of the national economy, which provides the population with food, processing industry - raw materials, as well as contributes to the creation of the necessary state reserves of livestock products, intensive use of land resources. However, the actual state of the industry today does not correspond to its potential and requires additional attention from the state, practitioners, scientists. Thus, the aim of the research was to assess the current state and identify trends in the development of domestic pig farming as a strategically important industry in the overall structure of agricultural production in Ukraine. The number of pigs in Ukraine from 2009 to 2020 varied in different ways, the main reasons for the significant reduction in the number of pigs in the country include: the disparity in prices for agricultural and industrial products; rising feed prices; the inability of most domestic producers to use the latest technologies for keeping and fattening pigs; liquidation of specialized pig farms (up to 300 sows); saturation of the domestic market with raw materials of foreign production; reduction of state support; complications of the epizootological situation (ASF); difficult economic situation of ordinary Ukrainians. During the analyzed years, the least pork was produced in 2020, where the main cause of this phenomenon was adverse weather conditions, global and national economic crisis caused by the mass pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19. This indicator shows that more than 70% of pork in Ukraine is produced extensively, in at the same time the number of pigs in the EU, Canada, Brazil, USA will be produced, and 70% more pork is produced. At the present stage in Ukraine the task is to radically revive the pig industry and transfer it to industrial technology, as well as to ensure that it can provide cheap, high quality and competitive products. To do this, our country has the necessary breeding gene pool and breeding base of pigs, has fertile land to form an appropriate feed base, as well as a highly qualified potential of scientists and producers for the rational management of the pig industry. Prospects for the development of the pig industry are: increasing the number of pigs in all categories of farms to 11,678.9 thousand; reducing feed conversion to 2.5-3.2 kg, reducing the age of slaughter of animals to 165-170 days; receiving from the sow for the year 25-28 «business» piglets; preservation of local domestic breeds.


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How to Cite
Lykhach , V., Lykhach , A., Faustov , R., & Kucher , O. (2021). Current state and development trends of domestic pig breeding. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1(44), 69-79.