Lifetime of dairy cows depending on the assessment of the udder linear traits

Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, Holstein, linear type traits, lifetime.


The results of research on the dependence of cows lifetime of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy (UBWD) and Holstein (H) breeds from the level of linear traits assessment that characterize the morphological udder qualities in the general system of linear classification of conformation type were presented. The experiments were conducted in the herd of the PE "Burynske" Pidlisnivskyi branch of Sumy region. According to the results of linear classification of descriptive traits of conformation type, which characterize the morphological udder qualities of cows firstborn of experimental breeds in the herd: fore udder parts attachment, height of rear udder parts attachment, central ligament, udder depth, a certain correlative variability was determined between the level of assessment of these traits and the lifetime of animals. The highly reliable difference between cows, assessed on the basis of fore udder parts attachment at one and nine score, was quite significant and amounted to 841 (UBWD; P<0.001) and 810 (H; P<0.001) days. Interbreed comparison of cow’s lifespan, depending on the estimate level, testified in favor of Holstein cows with variability in the range of 43-159 days with an insignificant difference. The difference between the lowest and highest scores for trait - height of the rear udder attachment in cows of experimental breeds was 740 (UBWD; P <0,001) and 810 (H; P <0,001) days. Animals with the assessment for the central ligament development of the udder below 1-3 score living, according to the evaluated breeds, from 2089 to 2401 (UBWD) and from 2154 to 2468 (H) days. Cows with estimate in nine score of both breeds have the highest lifespan - 2663 days (UBWD), yielding to cows with the lowest score at 754 days (P <0.001) and 2803 days (H) with a significant increase by 649 days (P <0.001). The difference between the average life expectancy of cows with the assessment in nine score and estimation of one score for udder depth was 739 days for Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cows (P<0.001) and 832 days for Holstein cows (P<0.001). The lifespan of cows of both breeds in the herd, depending on the assessment of the front teats position was characterized by insignificant curvilinear variability. That is, the longest used in the herd cows of both breeds with an average estimate 7 score. In further, deviations were observed with an insignificant difference in the direction of reducing lifetime estimated in 8-9 and 6-5 scores with an advantage of Holstein cows. A significant reduction in lifespan of cows began with estimates for this trait from four to one score. An assessment of the correlative variability for the length of fore teats with the cows lifetime in the controlled breeds indicated that the cows had a longer functional life with an average estimate of five score, equal to their length at the level of 5 cm.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi , L., & Karpenko , B. (2021). Lifetime of dairy cows depending on the assessment of the udder linear traits. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 16-28.

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