Efficiency of raising calves using new whole milk replacer

  • Vasyl Radchykov Republican Unitary Enterprise «Scientific Practical Centre of Belarus National Academy of Sciences on Animal Breeding» (Zhodino, Belarus) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4090-6635
  • Viktor Tsai Republican Unitary Enterprise «Scientific Practical Centre of Belarus National Academy of Sciences on Animal Breeding» (Zhodino, Belarus)
  • Hennadii Besarab Republican Unitary Enterprise «Scientific Practical Centre of Belarus National Academy of Sciences on Animal Breeding» (Zhodino, Belarus) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8154-4808
  • Viktoriia Vechorka Sumy National Agrarian University https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4956-2074
Keywords: young cattle, whole milk, whole milk replacer, diets, blood, performance, economic efficiency.


Studies of efficiency of calves rearing at the age of 10-65 days using whole milk replacer have been carried out with two groups of calves with an average body weight of 44.3-45.6 kg. Differences in feeding consisted in the fact that the calves of the control group were fed with whole milk, and the experimental one – with whole milk replacer. Studies have shown that 1 kg of whole milk replacer contained 16.6 MJ of metabolizable energy, crude protein – 200 g, crude fat – 160 g, crude fiber – 15 g. The diets contained 2.52 and 2.49 feed units, where 1 kg of dry matter accounted for 1.54-1.72 feed units, 1 feed unit accounted for 119.4-116.7 g of digestible protein. There was no significant difference in the amount of crude protein between the groups. This indicator was within the range of 345.6-353.5 grams. Based on the analysis, it has been determined that leukocytes level in the blood of experimental animals increased by 7.7%, hemoglobin – by 2.9%, total protein – by 2.8%. At the same time, concentration of urea and erythrocytes decreased by 4.3 and 1.6% compared to the control values. The research results showed that the calves that consumed diet with whole milk had the highest growth energy, and therefore, the gross weight gain of young animals in group I during the experiment was 2.5% higher compared to animals in group II.  Feeding calves with the whole milk replacer at the age of 10 - 65 days reduced the cost of the daily diet, which contributed to decrease in the cost of weight gain of calves by 16.3 percent. Thus, feeding calves aged 10-65 days with the whole milk replacer, with a milk period of 65 days, had a positive effect on feed intake, physiological state and blood composition of experimental animals, all the studied parameters were within physiological standard range, as a result for the period of experiment, the average daily weight gain was 2.9% higher in animals of the control group.  Feeding calves with WMR helps to reduce the cost of diet by 18.8 % and the price cost of weight gain by 16.3.


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How to Cite
Radchykov , V., Tsai , V., Besarab , H., & Vechorka , V. (2021). Efficiency of raising calves using new whole milk replacer. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 134-139. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.2.20