Basik feed from hybrid winter rye: harvesting, quality and usage in feeding of dairy cows

Keywords: winter rye, technological procedures, silage, feeding of cows, primary feed, ketosis, milk yield.


The key factor in reducing milk productivity of cows, duration of their economic use, reproductive function is the direct influence of a number of nutritional factors. That is why in recent years, the management of dairy farms directs its work on valuation of the quality characteristics of main feed (hay, silage, haylage) to feed cattle. It should be noted that today you can trace a tendency to use in practice feed, silage in particular, from cereals. Production of such feed from winter rye is promising, due to its unpretentiousness to agricultural machinery (frost resistance, early sowing, intensive development), high yields, resistance to fungal diseases. Furthermore, rye silage features by a high content of nutrients. That is why the main task of our research was to study the harvesting system and rate the effectiveness of the use of silage from winter rye in the feeding of high-yielding dairy cows in the conditions of PP "Slobodyshche" Berdychiv district of Zhytomyr region. The main goal was to study the influence of a common mixed diet of different composition on cows milk productivity. We have presented a technological scheme from agricultural techniques of hybrid winter rye, harvesting and preparation of silage. It is established that the main quality indicators of silage from hybrid winter rye meet the requirements of 1 class(according to DSTU 4782: 2007). 520 heads of Holstein and Jersey cows were involved in the production experiment. The duration of the experiment is 60 day divided into two periods: 1st - usage of corn silage as the main feed (previous year of harvest), 2nd - use of corn silage and early silage from winter rye. It was studied out that feeding cows silage from winter rye - as the main feed, together with corn silage - milk production increased by 197.86 quintals, and with  recalculation of  4% milk, by 131.43 quintals, increased the average daily milk yield per cow (+1.3; +0.89 kg), accordingly, that is why the use of winter rye as a basic feed is quite reasonable, given the management of feeding the dairy herd and economic indexes of milk production.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk , O., Kovalchuk , I., Shiyan , M., & Kovalchuk , I. (2021). Basik feed from hybrid winter rye: harvesting, quality and usage in feeding of dairy cows. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 153-158.