Keywords: technological group, dry period, lactation, start, prevention, mastitis, udder preservation


The term of productive use of livestock while maintaining the health of animals in the herd is one of the factors in the effec-tive management of dairy farming. Of particular importance is the organization of feeding, keeping, monitoring the health of cows according to their physiological condition. Mastitis is a significant problem for milk producers in countries with developed dairy farm-ing (including those with a high technological culture of the industry). This disease is common in Ukrainian farms. Mastitis causes a decline in productivity, low quality of colostrum and milk, premature culling of cows. Reduced resistance of animals due to violation of housing parameters, unsatisfactory sanitary condition of cowsheds, stalls, boxes, milking equipment, high stocking density, violation of the forming timing of technological groups of cows, including dry groups are the key factors in the development of udder inflamma-tion. Therefore, in order to maintain the health of dairy cows during intensive dairy farming, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of organization of preventive measures in the technological group of dryness. That is why the prevention of diseases of cows should be one of the main tasks of intensive milk production technolog. The analysis of the organization of preventive measures was carried out on TOV «Khmilnytske» VP «Agrofirma» Stetkivtsi» Zhytomyr region. It was found that in order to prevent mastitis in the farm the conditions of cows were significantly improved, timely launch is formed, milking is carried out in accordance with the rules of antisep-tics using mastitis tests and since the introduction into the production process of udder preservation management at the time of launch of cattle, significantly reduced the incidence of cows for subclinical mastitis (from 31 % in 2017 to 8,2 % in 2021), as a pre-servative use drugs «Drycloxacel» or «Bovaflox DC Extra».


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How to Cite
Kovalchuk, I. I., Kovalchuk, I. V., Muronyk, L. V., & Sauk, R. V. (2022). UDDER HEALTH CONTROL DURING THE DRY PERIOD IN COWS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 87-91. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2021.4.15