Influence of negative and uniform pressure ventilation systems in piggeries for suckling sows of irish origin on their reproductive qualities

Keywords: ventilation, microclimate, sow, piglet, fertility, growth, preservation of crossing, line, genotype.


The study of the influence of microclimate parameters created by negative and uniform pressure ventilation systems on the reproductive qualities of suckling sows was carried out. The advantages in pig productivity for the use of uniform pressure ventilation system in piggeries for suckling sows have been established. The advantages in pig productivity for the use of uniform pressure ventilation system in piggeries for suckling sows have been established. Due to the improvement of microclimate parameters in such piggeries, the number of piglets at weaning increased by 2.19… 5.08% (p <0.05… 0.001), their safety before weaning by 2.01… 3.66% (p <0, 05… 0.001), the weight of one head for this period by 0.41… 5.18% (p <0.05… 0.001), and the weight of the nest 2.76… 10.43% (p <0.05 (0.001). The dependence of reproductive qualities of sows on the season both at ventilation of negative and uniform pressure is established. The highest fertility of sows with both ventilation systems reached 14.15… 14.17 heads in summer, and the lowest was in autumn 13.12… 13.21 heads. Also, in winter the lowest number of piglets was found at weaning 11.76… 12.12 heads (p <0.01), while the highest was in autumn 12.41… 13.04 heads (p <0.001). The survival of piglets was the worst in both groups in summer 87.1… 88.96% (p <0.05), and probably the best in autumn and winter 89.34… 92.61% (p <0.01… 0.001). In summer, the lowest weight of 1 piglet was also set at weaning of 7.07 - 7.11 heads, while the highest in this group was 8.01 - 8.16 kg in both groups in autumn (p <0.05). The nest weight of piglets at weaning was the lowest in the control room in the spring - 84.21 kg, and in the experimental summer - 89.66 kg, while it was the highest in both groups in the fall 98.89 - 107.55 kg. The probable strength of the effect of the ventilation system on the number of piglets at weaning 3.38% (p <0.05), the weight of the nest of piglets at weaning by 5.95% (p <0.01) and the lack of influence of this factor on the fertility and high fertility of sows . The seasonal factor had a significant effect on nest weight at weaning 26.58% (p <0.001), on the fertility of sows 3.47% (p <0.01), on the number of piglets at weaning 2.38% (p <0, 01) and on the safety of piglets before weaning 1.87% (p <0.05) while the high fertility of the probable influence of this factor is not established. The interaction of these factors also had little effect on nest weight at weaning.


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How to Cite
Zhyzhka , S., & Povod , N. (2020). Influence of negative and uniform pressure ventilation systems in piggeries for suckling sows of irish origin on their reproductive qualities. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1 (40), 49-58.