The efficiency of index selection in herd of the Simental breed for organic milk production

Keywords: Simmental breed, organic production, exterior, body measurements, indices, udder, force of influence.


The article presents the results of selection of Simmental breed cows by udder-mass-metric index, which is a fairly reliable and effective method of determining the best animals by mass-metric parameters of a particular herd. The first-calf cows of the Simmental breed, differentiated by the size of this index, in the vast majority of cases probably differ from each other in these indicators. In general, the size of the animals by the main measurements of body structure in combination with a large live weight within the groups indicates the formation of the milk type of the exterior of the first-calf Simmental cows of the Czech selection PE "Galex-Agro". It has been established that with increasing udder-mass-metric index value of cows observed statistically significant pattern of growth of the vast majority of mass-metric indicators of the exterior, except for live weight and breast girth, where animals with average exterior index values were better. In general, in all indicators of the exterior of animals with medium and high values ​​of this index, statistically significantly superior to peers with low values. Deviation from the milk type towards double productivity was observed by the format index, which is defined as the ratio of the oblique length of the torso to the height at the withers. The value of this index varied within groups from 126.0 to 127.2%. Only this index showed a statistically significant difference in favor of animals with a high value of udder-mass-metric index (P <0.05). With an increase in the value of the external index from (10,5.) до to(23,6) of cows observed increase in the duration of lactation by 29.8 days, an increase in milk yield for 305 days of lactation by 607 kg, obtained more milk fat and protein - by 21.3 and 21.7, respectively, which is confirmed by a statistically significant difference between group averages. Mathematically confirmed inverse relationship between the deterioration of reproduction and the growth of the udder-mass-metric index in cows was observed. The best indicators of reproduction were animals with low value, the worst - with high. The greatest influence of the external index was observed on the morphological properties of the udder (16.8%), and the least – on the reproductive capacity (1,2). In general, the generalized mean strength of the udder-mass-metric index effect on all blocks of the studied features was 6.5% and in 47% of the total number of comparisons was probable (P <0.05-0.001).


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How to Cite
Kochuk-Yashchenko , O., Kucher , D., Shapran , I., & Mosiichuk , M. (2020). The efficiency of index selection in herd of the Simental breed for organic milk production. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (41), 47-55.