Keywords: technology, breeds, incubation, disinfectants, shell


The paper presents the results of studying the effect of disinfectants based on chemicals on the structure and properties of poultry eggshells. Disinfectant properties and effects on poultry shells and shells of poultry eggs of preparations based on aldehyde-containing substances, compounds based on hydrogen peroxide and substances based on peracetic acid are considered. The use of disinfectants that do not affect the quality of hatching eggs and have a positive effect on the development of poultry embryos is a topical issue in poultry. Incubatory eggs of white leghorn chickens were used in the work. Eight groups of 144 eggs each were formed for the experiments. Prior to incubation, eggs were treated with solutions of substances and preparations: formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, metacide, Virkon - S (KRKA, Slovenia), CID - 20 with the addition of peracetic acid (NOC), VIROCID with NOC, CID - 20, NOC and plant extras., VIROCID, NOC and plant extracts. Samples of shells taken after hatching of chickens were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy on the device REMMA-102 immediately after drying the solutions. Treatment of poultry eggs with disinfectants is one of the main requirements for incubation. However, the use of disinfectants with excellent bactericidal and fungicidal properties does not always lead to the desired result. In particular, preparations based on chemicals, such as aldehyde-containing compounds, reduce the protective effect of the cuticle and have carcinogenic properties against staff working in poultry farms. Peroxide-based preparations have toxic effects on developing embryos and destructive activity on the bioceramic layer of the shell. To mitigate the negative effects of drugs that contain these substances, it is recommended to add plant extracts


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How to Cite
Petrenko, H. O., & Bordunova, O. G. (2022). STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF CHEMICAL-BASED DISINFECTANTS ON THE EGGSHELL OF POULTRY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 119-124.