Keywords: laying hens, productivity, eggs, protein-fat concentrate, soybean meal, diet, compound feed, lipids


The main sources of energy for poultry are grain feeds, which do not always meet the bird's need for sufficient metabolic en-ergy and protein. Therefore, a new direction in poultry feeding was the use of protein-fat concentrate, which consists of 40% fat, 32% protein and 4.2% crude fiber. Therefore, the aim of our research was aimed at studying the effectiveness and establishing the opti-mal amount of BJK introduction into the feed of laying hens. To establish the effectiveness of the use of BJK, a scientific experiment was conducted in the conditions of a private production company "Agrocenter". It was proved that when using protein-fat concentrate in the amount of 2%, 3% and 4% instead of the same amount of soybean meal and soybean oil, poultry productivity increased to 10.1%, and egg weight increased by 5.9%. Studies aimed at studying the effects of feed additives based on palm oil have led to an increase in the energy value of eggs. Laying hens of the IV experimental group, which were introduced to the diet of BJK in the amount of 4%, the energy value of eggs was higher by 6.4% compared with the analogues of the control group. The results of scien-tific research showed that the content of vitamins and total lipids in the egg yolk of the experimental groups were higher and did not exceed the physiological norm. The content of total lipids in the yolk of laying hens of experimental groups increased by 5.80-11.22%, the content of esterified cholesterol by 4.42-6.28%.


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How to Cite
Tsap, S. V., & Orishchuk, O. S. (2022). PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY OF EGGS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF BJK IN THE DIET OF BIRDS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4 (47), 171-174.