Keywords: proteins, functional foods, fiber, wet spinning, analogue, diluents.


An urgent problem in the food industry is the replacement of protein isolates derived from genetically modified sources of raw materials. Active searches for new sources of vegetable protein from genetically unmodified crops are underway. The article considers the issue of functional of artificial food products based on plant raw materials, i.e. food production in a fundamentally new way. The systematization and generalization of developments on the technique and technology of obtaining protein isolates from plant raw materials, as well as the analysis of prospects for the development of technological solutions, the creation of resource-saving technologies and environmentally friendly production of artificial food. The results of scientific research obtained so far provide convincing evidence of the possibility of food production using fundamentally new methods. The term "functional foods" refers to products that are made using proteins and other nutrients of natural origin, but their composition, structure, appearance and set of properties are artificially formed. Today, functional food products with high biological value and exquisite taste are of particular interest. These products are distinguished not only by their usefulness for health, but also contribute to satisfying the gastronomic preferences of consumers. They open the way to new possibilities in the field of nutrition, allowing people to get not only the necessary nutrients, but also to enjoy food with new, unexpected characteristics. Works in this direction, aimed at obtaining functional food products, have a double purpose. First, they create products that imitate traditional mincemeat products. This technology is relatively simple, and the resulting products are relatively cheap and easy to use. Secondly, work in this direction is aimed at creating products with a non-crushed fibrous structure, especially in meat products, which is one of the most valuable forms of nutrition. This approach opens the way to new opportunities for people who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle or choose a vegetarian diet. Functional foods that reproduce the texture of traditional foods and at the same time are enriched with useful components can become an important element in a balanced diet, helping to meet nutritional needs without the need to use animal products. The importance of artificial food in the creation of functional food allows: to reduce the cost and increase food production in the existing village economic base due to reduced losses and the use of non-food raw materials; to achieve the required level of food security, to solve the problem of child and medical nutrition, nutrition in unusual conditions. 


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How to Cite
Babanov, I. H., Babanova, O. I., Mykhailov, V. M., Shevchenko, A. O., & Prasol, S. V. (2023). APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR OBTAINING FUNCTIONAL FOOD PRODUCTS BASED ON VEGETABLE RAW MATERIALS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (4 (54), 16-21.