Keywords: energy crops, energy willow, planter, feeding machine, planting machine, cuttings.


One of the promising directions of the development of bioenergy is the cultivation of energy raw materials on plantations of fast-growing tree species, in particular, willows, poplars and other crops capable of easy restoration of the above-ground part after its cutting. The article analyzes modern trends in solving the problem of rapid expansion of the area of energy willow plantations, and it is found that one of the factors slowing down the process is insufficient development of the automation of technological processes. In particular, the growth of the productivity of planting units is hampered by the need for most technical solutions for the use of the planter’s labor. The paper sets an empirical task of developing an automated planter for plants planted with lignified cuttings. An analysis of existing technical solutions was carried out to develop a mechanism that would ensure uninterrupted and uniform supply of cuttings to the opener of the planter. Individual parameters were found experimentally, as a result of which the optimal angles of inclination of the walls of the slotted hopper, the rational width of the unloading window, which will ensure full and continuous unloading of cuttings in the absence of external forces (oscillations, vibrations, etc.) and with them, were found. On the basis of previous studies, a number of solutions were synthesized, which were used in the development of a new design of the cuttings unloading mechanism. The developed design of the mechanism for the automated supply of cuttings in the machine for planting energy willow is protected by a patent and embodied in a single-row section, the operation of which was tested in field conditions. This mechanism allows you to reduce the manual work of the planter to loading the slotted hopper with cuttings previously oriented in one direction, which, depending on the size of the slotted hopper, can be carried out at the ends of the furrow. The results obtained in the work can further serve to clarify and improve the machines that work with piece-by-piece selection of rod-like materials.


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How to Cite
Yermakov, S. V. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE DESIGN OF THE MECHANISM FOR AUTOMATED CUTTINGS SELECTION AND FEEDING IN ENERGY CULTURES PLANTERS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (4 (54), 22-28.