Keywords: abrasive wear, tillage machines, soil type, operational unit, production, durability, wear resistance


Tillage machines rank high in the structure of the machine and tractor fleet of modern agricultural enterprises. Loss of their working condition during field work can significantly affect crop yields. Element that predominantly limits the durability of the tillage machines is the operational unit. Solution of such a problem as increasing the durability and wear resistance of the tillage machines operational units cannot be based on the use of one of the existing methods (technological, structural and operational), but must be based on a systematic approach using the full range of available methods. It is necessary to consider all significant factors that affect the durability and wear resistance of the operational units, in the process of implementation of the system approach. It was found that the application of a wear-resistant coating makes it possible to increase the durability of the tillage machines operational units: for hardened disc operational units, when used on sandy loam soils, the durability increases by 1.28-1.41 times, on loamy soils – by 1.11-1.24 times, and on clay soils – by 1.07-1.18 times; for reinforced center hoes, when used on sandy loam soils, the durability increases by 1.41-1.53 times, on loamy soils – by 1.48 times and on clay soils – by 1.39-1.44 times; for reinforced plowshares, when used on sandy loam soils, the durability increases by 1.82-2.13 times, on loamy soils – by 1.5-1.85 times and on clay soils – by 1.34-1.52 times. Thus, the application of a wear-resistant coating to the tillage machines operational units is more effective on soils with higher wear capacity (sandy loam and sandy loam). Regularities of the influence of soil and climatic conditions, operating modes, and storage methods on the durability and wear resistance of the tillage machines operational units are revealed. A scientifically based system for the operation of the tillage machines operational units was developed on the basis of experimental data and theoretical research. Basic principles of increasing the durability of the tillage machines operational units by an integrated approach to adapting their wear resistance, considering soil and climatic conditions and operating modes, are formulated. This allow increasing the durability of the tillage machines operational units by 1.84-2.51 times, depending on the type of operational units and soil and climatic conditions.


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How to Cite
Borak, K. V., Kulykivskyi, V. L., Borovskyi, V. M., & Pylypovych, M. M. (2024). IMPROVING THE RELIABILITY OF TILLAGE MACHINES OPERATIONAL UNITS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (55), 3-18.