Keywords: technological operation, machine unit, timing, productivity, quality, shift time utilization factor, speed of movement, width of capture, precision farming


The modern agricultural sector has a great influence on the dynamics of the country's economic development. Against the background of a full-scale war in Ukraine, there is a significant decrease in cultivated areas. On those lands that are cultivated, it is necessary to ensure the maximum possible increase in production productivity by improving the quality of technological operations, optimizing the movement modes of machine units while providing mechanized agricultural technologies, and reducing the costs of the production process. Therefore, such an indicator as productivity and ways to increase it are not just the number one task facing farmers, but a national priority. The article raises the issue of the need to increase the efficiency of agricultural production in wartime conditions. The need to introduce innovations is emphasized – stimulation of research and development of new technologies and materials for the production and operation of machinery for agricultural production. For example, such technologies as "GIS technologies". One of the methods of effective productivity management is considered – "precision farming". The analysis of the latest researches and publications shows that in the modern conditions of the development of market relations, the efficiency of machine units is of great importance. Achieving high efficiency of machinery in agriculture allows to increase productivity, reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of agricultural production. The scientific community determined that the productivity of the MA depends on many indicators that are related to each other, namely: speed of movement, width of grip, nominal power of the engine, traction force of the vehicle, method of turning, ratio of working moves, effective use of working time, etc. The study of the application of the tractor operator's shift time and the rational use of the tractor unit was considered in more detail in the article. Experiments were carried out using the method of time-lapse observation of the following technological operations: harvesting plant residues (using the mulching method), harvesting (corn), classical plowing. The following data are provided: the duration of each element of the technological operation; constructive and actual width of capture; fuel consumption for the investigated period of time, compared to the indicators of the common center of the energy vehicle; the duration of each element of working time and the duration of all operations together for the studied time period. Earnings (duration or volume of work) are determined by the calculation method: – the performance of the machine unit is determined – variable (using the navigation system of the machine unit) and actual (based on the collected data obtained after the timing); – productive and non-productive time costs are determined and the net work of the machine-tractor unit is determined using the shift time utilization factor. Calculated and analyzed the coefficient of use of the shift time and the productivity of the MA for the studied period of use, in order to evaluate the efficiency of the operation of the MA on the studied farms.


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How to Cite
Zubko, V. M., Khvorost, T. V., Teslenko, O., Barabash, G. I., Omelchenko, E. M., & Romanovsky, M. O. (2024). RESEARCH OF THE ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MECHANIZED TECHNOLOGICAL OPERATIONS IN PLANT PRODUCTION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (55), 37-45.

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