The research and modeling the dependence of changes soil hardness in different types of tillage under sugar beet in the conditions of Sumy region.

Keywords: technological process, tillage soil, sugar beet, technical means, soil hardness, research, modeling.


The offered article contains methodical approaches to determination of physical and mechanical soil parameters in different types of tillage. This method makes it possible to perform analytical studies to determine the impact of technical means on the conditions of growth and development of sugar beet.

Research and modeling of soil physical and mechanical properties for the tillage of the soil under sugar beet in the conditions of  Sumy region.

The review of features and types of tillage technologies. Ways to minimize the costs of soil. A study of physical and mechanical expenditure for tillage under sugar beet. A mathematical model of change of physical and mechanical costs (soil hardness) for tillage, depending on the conditions of its implementation.

Agricultural production. Areas of agricultural production. Cost of agricultural produce. Economical use of resources. Conservation of resources. Reducing energy consumption. The efficiency of agricultural production. Technology of growing and harvesting of agricultural products. Production of sugar beet.

The basic premise of choice and the type of soil under sugar beet. Minimize physical and mechanical expenditure conditions of the economy .

The aims and objectives of the study . Terms and schemes of tillage soil. Soil hardness of soil under sugar beet.

Scientific research and modeling. Plan your experiment. Experimental data unit physical and mechanical costs by machine aggregate.

Mathematical treatment of the results of the study. Simulation results of research and modeling on a PC (Personal electronic decoupling machine). Mathematical model of change physical and mechanical (soil hardness) indicators is a polynomial of order 3, which describes the change in response to changes in parameter values of impact factors. Predicting changes in soil hardness consumption during tillage sugar beet.


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How to Cite
Tatsenko, O. (1). The research and modeling the dependence of changes soil hardness in different types of tillage under sugar beet in the conditions of Sumy region. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3(37), 26-31.