Problems of wear of electrode-tool during electro-erosion machining

Keywords: electric discharge machining, electrode-tool, erosion resistance.


The article contains research on the problems of wear of an electrode-tool with electric discharge machining. Important parameters are the speed of removal of metal, the surface roughness and the stability of the electrode tool. If during the breakdown in the workpieces of through-cylindrical cavities, the wear of an electrode-tool in some cases can be offset by an increase in its length (although in this case, the wear of an electrode-tool is undesirable), then in the manufacture of bulk parts, wear, even 0.1% may be inadmissible because high demands on the accuracy of the profile details. Moreover, there are a number of structural elements of the parts, the execution of which by the method of electric discharge machining in the presence of wear of the electrode-tool is impossible, even in advance adjusting its profile. These elements include sharp edges, thin jumpers, and so on. In this case, it is necessary to use several electrodes, the manufacture of which in the case of high accuracy or complex form is a rather laborious process.

As the research shows in the article of conducting electric discharge machining without the wear of an electrode-tool, it would be possible to reduce the cost of the formation of the profile of the profile, as at the same time the cost of manufacturing the electrode is distributed to the amount of parts that they can handle. In addition, in this case, it is possible to use one electrode-tool for roughing and finishing treatment while giving it orbital movement. It also allows reducing the cost of performing the operation of the electro-erosive form-forming part by reducing the number of used electrodes and reducing the processing time.

The analysis of literature and publications carried out in the article shows that the problem of wear of electrode tools is quite versatile and is currently not studied in all aspects. The research is conducted in such basic directions: development of special electrode materials and working media, determination of optimal characteristics of pulses for the necessary pairs of electrodes and the required quality of the resulting surface, improving the quality of the regulation of electroerosive processes.


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How to Cite
PavlovА. (2021). Problems of wear of electrode-tool during electro-erosion machining. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (41), 21-24. Retrieved from