Improvement of the technology of forming metal-clad lubricants on flexible elements of elastic couplings

Keywords: elastic coupling, flexible element, fretting corrosion, steel 12X18H9, paraffin, copper, molybdenum disulfide, metal-clad lubricant


The work is devoted to the development of technological methods for increasing the reliability and durability of elastic couplings. It is known that the main reason for the loss of operation of the coupling is the wear of the flexible elements of the package due to fretting corrosion and subsequent fatigue failure. The study of the features of the fretting corrosion processes of flexible elements of elastic couplings is carried out. The analysis of existing methods for reducing fretting corrosion of machine parts is carried out, on the basis of which the existing problems are established and methods for solving them are proposed. It has been established that the most effective mechanism of physicochemical action on the surface of flexible elements, from the point of view of increasing their wear resistance, is the application of metal-clad lubricants on them.

As a result of the research, a new and more effective technology for the formation of a package of flexible elements of an elastic coupling has been developed. A feature of the proposed technology is the creation between the flexible elements of an intermediate metal-cladding layer based on paraffin with the addition of copper powder and molybdenum disulfide powder. Preparation of metal-cladding material consists in melting paraffin, introducing the required amount of molybdenum disulfide powder and thoroughly mixing. The application of material on flexible elements is carried out when assembling a package with flexible elements. The study of the effectiveness of the effect of metal-cladding material on the wear of the surfaces of flexible elements was carried out on a special bench simulating the real state of the package of flexible elements during the operation of the coupling. It was found that the most rational content of copper powder and molybdenum disulfide powder in the cladding material is in the range from 5 to 25 weight percent.

For the mechanized method of applying metal-clad lubricants to the flexible elements of an elastic coupling, a specialized installation was made. The installation provides the preparation of a solution of metal-cladding material and its application by immersion of flexible elements. Excess solution is squeezed out when the bag is compressed with standard fasteners.

The proposed technology allows to increase the fretting resistance of flexible elements by 6.5 times compared to untreated ones.


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How to Cite
Martsynkovskyi, V., Tarelnik , V., Konoplianchenko, I. V., Dumanchuk, M., & Ryasnaya, O. (2021). Improvement of the technology of forming metal-clad lubricants on flexible elements of elastic couplings. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (41), 25-30. Retrieved from