Intensification of higher mathematics studies by engineering students of agricultural universities

Keywords: intensification of education, higher mathematics, engineering students, agricultural students, independent activity, professional activity


The article substantiates the expediency of intensifying the educational and cognitive activities of engineering students in the study of higher mathematics. Some methods of stimulating students' educational and cognitive activities are also considered.

Today, the level of development of society requires each person to be able to think critically and creatively, to navigate in different situations, to be ready to solve problems that may arise in his professional activity. Therefore, the training of highly educated personnel, on the knowledge and skills of which largely depends on the economic development of our country and their own competitiveness in the labor market, puts before the teams of higher education institutions new requirements for the quality of professional education.

Improving the educational process and improving the quality of training require thorough mathematical training. A modern specialist-agrarian cannot be imagined without mastering his knowledge in the field of mathematical modeling of production processes and information technologies, without the ability to generalize patterns, analyze phenomena, make informed decisions.

Since mathematics has entered agriculture as a source of the necessary apparatus for solving industrial problems, there is a need to intensify the educational and cognitive activities of students in its study.

If in the study of higher mathematics students of engineering specialties will be constantly intensifying educational and cognitive activities, then imperceptibly there will be a transition from the assimilation of information to the formation of qualities necessary for creative activity. And the education of a creative personality, which is able to constantly self-develop is the main guideline of mathematical education. Solving mathematical problems contributes to the formation of flexibility of mind and the ability to readjust. Possession of such abilities is a very important factor for the future specialist, because the requirements for him will continue to grow, as the level of development of society will increase.


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How to Cite
Pugach, V. (2021). Intensification of higher mathematics studies by engineering students of agricultural universities. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2 (40), 39-41. Retrieved from