Keywords: automatic planting machine, planter, feeding mechanism, cassette mechanism, planting machine, energy willow


Biomass energy is one of the most promising branches of renewable energy, primarily due to the possibility of rapidly increasing the production of raw materials. The creation of new plantations of energy crops requires appropriate technical means. And for energy willow or poplar, you should also take into account the features of planting material, which are woody cuttings 20-25 cm long and 6-16 mm in diameter. Known machines for planting cuttings of energy crops are characterized by low productivity due to the limitation of the speed of manual laying of cuttings in the planter. Therefore, the creation of mechanisms for automated planting of cuttings in planting machines is an urgent scientific and industrial task. The study is based on the analysis of known designs of planting machines used in planting seedlings and seedlings for the forest. The analysis used the methods of structural-factor analysis of the structure of mechanisms, and highlighted the features of the work processes that occur at each stage of the overall technological process of moving cuttings from the technological tank to the planting site. After analyzing the known technical solutions for planting forests, seedlings, potted materials and directly cuttings of energy crops, it was noted that the most problematic is the position responsible for feeding cuttings from containers with seedlings to the place of planting. In modern machines for planting energy willow, this process is performed exclusively by hand. Informationlogical searches led to the synthesis of the structural-logical scheme of the technological process of automated planting. According to this scheme, it is seen that the main operations that must be implemented in the planting machine are the narrowing of the flow of cuttings, piece selection, orientation and transportation of planting material to the planting site. Promising ways to automate the planting of cuttings of energy crops and possible problems on the way to their implementation are identified.


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How to Cite
Yermakov, S. V., Hutsol, T. D., Potapskyj, P. V., & Garasymchuk, I. D. (2021). STRUCTURING THE PROCESS OF AUTOMATION OF PLANTING PLANTS OF ENERGY WILLOW. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (45), 10-17.