Keywords: fire extinguishing, inert gases, fire extinguishing substances, computer simulation


The purpose of the research of this work is to study the effectiveness of extinguishing a fire using carbon dioxide, taking into account changes in gas exchange. An analysis of the use of neutral gases in automatic fire extinguishing systems, which provide a three-dimensional method of extinguishing. The analysis shows that the rate of elimination of combustion will depend on the gas exchange in the room, ie the number and location of vents, doors, windows, etc. To study the effect of gas exchange on the efficiency and rate of cessation of combustion, an installation was developed, the camera of which simulates a real room and a computer model of the same room for simulation. The created installation allows to apply qualities of a phlegmatizer – carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, etc. The structural components of the installation are substantiated so that the phlegmatizer enters the combustion chamber from the pressure chamber, which is equipped with two openings: the first for removal of combustion products from the chamber, the second for input of phlegmatizer and two openings that simulate ventilation and inlet passage. in the cell. The amount of phlegmatizer supplied to the combustion chamber is regulated by a reducer. A thermocouple is built into the chamber to control the temperature in the combustion zone. A computer model of a combustion chamber similar to a full-scale experiment has been created. A computational experiment was performed. A full-scale experiment was conducted. It is established that the effect of open ventilation ducts on the rate of cessation of combustion is most significant at low inert gas flow rates. The relative deviation of the results of mathematical modeling from the experimental data is calculated. The results of the study show the effectiveness of modeling of thermal processes for further studies of the effect of gas exchange on the rate of fire extinguishing in closed volumes.


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How to Cite
Nuianzin, V. M., Maiboroda, A. O., & Kropyva, M. O. (2021). STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF GAS EXCHANGE ON THE EFFICIENCY OF FIRE EXTINGUISHING USING CARBON DIOXIDE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (45), 32-39.