Keywords: pump, frequency, current, rotation, performance, pressure, dependence


The article considers a system that allows automated control of the pump unit in different operating modes. The system provides manual and automatic control modes, which allows, mainly in automatic control mode, to eliminate the percentage of failures due to the human factor. The operation of the system is based mainly on the use of a frequency converter, which is the main element in the system under consideration, and auxiliary structural elements, such as relays for protection against “dry running”, relays for protection against pressure drops in the main and backup pumps, sensors temperature and pressure. The need for constant high-precision change of the speed of the pump unit can be solved by such a system, the principle of which is to receive periodic, when necessary, signals to the frequency converter, which, depending on the speed of the pump unit to be achieved, will regulate the frequency that directly affects the speed of the electric motor, which is the drive motor for the pump unit. For example, when the water pressure in the system decreases, a signal will be sent to the frequency converter via the temperature sensors and the differential pressure switch, which will increase the frequency of the electromagnetic field. By increasing the frequency and, at the same time, the constant number of pole pairs in the electric motor, a higher motor speed will be achieved, which will increase the productivity of the pump unit, which pumps a certain amount of fluid whose pressure is predetermined and programmed as a standard pressure system. By increasing the frequency and, consequently, the performance of the pump set, the pressure in the system will be raised to the standard value, after which the pump unit will run at its usual speed. Thus, any deviations of the system parameters from the working ones are controlled and regulated by sensors and temperature relays, as well as a frequency converter, which by changing the frequency changes the speed and, consequently, changes the performance of the pump unit, used in heat or water supply systems of both residential buildings and industrial enterprises of individual consumer groups.


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How to Cite
Yurchenko, O. Y., & Barsukova, H. V. (2021). USING A FREQUENCY CONVERTER IS AN EFFECTIVE AND CONVENIENT WAY TO CONTROL THE SPEED OF THE PUMP UNIT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (45), 57-63.