Keywords: vault formation, unloading, cuttings, energy willow, hopper, vault, automation of planting


The paper considers the problems of unloading rod-like bodies (on the example of energy willow cuttings) in a free flow under the influence of gravity. The need to study this issue is dictated by the growing popularity of fuels from bioenergy crops, to increase the volume of which fast and productive machines are needed to create the so-called energy plantations. The main obstacle to the free discharge of materials is the phenomenon of crypt formation, which, interrupting the natural discharge of materials, negatively affects their consumption characteristics. The purpose of the article is to find and highlight the patterns of movement of rod-like bodies in the process of their discharge from hoppers. In order to find possible solutions to the problem of continuous unloading of lignified cuttings, it is important to analyze the possible forms of vaults that are formed during unloading and create obstacles to movement. As a hopper model, for unloading cuttings, a slotted hopper in the form of two walls located at angles to the horizontal plane is considered. These walls form a discharge funnel with adjustment of the width of the discharge window and the angle of the solution. The vaults that are formed at different parameters of the bunker in the process of free unloading were recorded experimentally during the pouring of the material and the features of the formation of the vaults formed by cuttings were highlighted. As a result of the study, it was established that to ensure the uninterrupted unloading of cuttings, it is possible to choose such a width of the unloading window of the bunker, which will ensure uniform pouring of cuttings without crypt formations and stops associated with this process. An analysis of the continuous discharge of rod-like material was also carried out and the peculiarities of its flow were highlighted. It has been established that for energy willow cuttings, the width of the window, which ensures continuous shedding, is 8–12 cm. The results of the work can be used in the further study of the unloading of similar materials, as well as in the design of hoppers-accumulators in systems of automatic supply of cuttings of energy willow in planters.


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How to Cite
Yermakov, S. V., Hutsol, T. D., Garasymchuk, I. D., & Vusatyi, M. V. (2022). PATTERNS OF THE MOVEMENT OF ROD-FORM MATERIALS IN THE PROCESS OF THEIR PUMPING OUT OF HOPPER. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (2(48), 21-27.