Keywords: babesiosis, dogs, prevention of babesiosis in dogs


A large share of diseases of small animals belongs to parasitic diseases. Some diseases are so common that specialists have probably encountered them often. One of them is known as "babesiosis" or earlier as "piroplasmosis". The danger of this disease lies in the rapid course and deterioration of the animal’s condition, which can lead to death. In order to properly fight and protect your animals, you need to know the enemy face to face. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the issue in more detail. When they say "dog tick", they most often mean ixodid ticks – these are parasites that live in the grass during the warm season. It is precisely these parasites that are associated with babesiosis, a disease of dogs that can lead to death very quickly if timely help is not provided. According to statistics for the last five years: – 71% of cases of babesiosis are registered in dogs aged 1 to 5 years – Without treatment, mortality is 80% of cases – Clinical manifestation begins when only 3-5% of erythrocytes are affected – The main carrier of the disease is a tick. The greatest activity of ticks is observed at a temperature from 7 to 22 degrees and with high humidity, which means: in spring and autumn An analysis of current information on the distribution, infection, course, clinical picture, patho-anatomical picture, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of babesiosis in dogs is presented. It has been proven that dogs with babesiosis have a high risk of occurrence and a more severe course. When the tick feeds on the blood of dogs, babesia sporozoites are transferred to the bloodstream together with saliva and penetrate into erythrocytes. During repeated cycles of asexual reproduction (merogony), babesia merozoites reproduce and destroy more and more new erythrocytes. Repeated transmission of infection to ticks comes from dogs with babesiosis. In the tick’s body, babesia reproduces through sexual cycles and penetrates the tick’s organs, including the ovaries, thereby infecting tick eggs and larvae. In dogs, the incubation period varies depending on the type of pathogen. Usually it is 2-3 weeks. For example, the incubation period of B. canis lasts 10-21 days, and B. gibsoni – 14-28 days. A protozoan natural focal disease with a transmissible transmission mechanism, the causative agent of which is the single-celled blood parasite Babesia canis Piana et Galli-Valerio 1895. The parasite is widespread throughout the globe and affects not only domestic dogs, but also animals of related species. In addition, another species is found in South and Southeast Asia – Babesia gibsoni Patton 1910. According to the nosological profile, Babesia canis is most often diagnosed.


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How to Cite
Rudnytsky, Y. V., & Kalashnik, O. M. (2023). BABESIOSIS OF DOGS (BABESIOSIS). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (4(63), 145-150.