Distribution and structure of diseases in cows in the holdings of the republic of Kazakhstan and Georgia

Keywords: orthopedicpathology, endometritis, mastitis


It was found that among the surveyed cows that were being kept in an open free-stall system, the number of detected diseased animals at the Martcopy - Baga dairy farm (Georgia) exceeded that of the farming Tabys (Kazakhstan). The cows that were in the territory of Georgia diseases of the distal extremity (pododermatitis, phlegmon) were detected in more than a quarter of the animals and exceeded the indicator in the farming of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Endometritis were diagnosed more frequent in Tabis farm, almost 25%, while on the Martcope - Baga dairy farm, their percentage was by 11,25% lower.

Mastitis are registered in both farms almost in equal percentages of animals, with larger numbers, by 0,28%, in the farming Tabis.

When analyzing the productivity per cow, we found that the cows of the farming of the Republic of Kazakhstan had yield of milk on a level 7,5 thousand, while the dairy farm of Georgia had about 8 thousand liters. It should be noted that in the farms were open free-stall system, about 40 to 50 animals in one holding pen round the year. In the external examination of heifers, we found about 40% of animals in the Martcopy-Baga dairy farm that had distal extremity disease (purulent pododermatitis, coronary band, interdigital claw and digital cushion phlegmons,) while heifers with similar diseases in farming Tabis were less by 2,09 times. One of the main causes of diseases of the distal extremity in the cattle at the Martcope - Baga dairy farm is the untimely orthopedic cleansing of the hooves, which also contributed to their deformation and change motor supply of limbs in animals. In these farms, the number of kept animals varied significantly.

Thus, in the Martcope - Baga dairy farm were 96 heifers less than in the farming Tabis and the structure of the detected diseases also had some difference. Deformations of hooves were reported by 11,33% more often in the Martcope - Baga dairy farm than in the farming Tabis which was one of the reasons for the inflammatory process of the finger area.

The largest percentage among the deformities of the hooves in the surveyed farms were acute-angled hooves, which were recorded in almost 10,0% of cows in the farm of Georgia and exceeded the indicator by 1,67 times in the farm of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A fairly large percentage of hooves deformities in animals in the surveyed farms accounted for acute and crooked hooves, ranging from 5-9 percent. It should be noted that these deformations were more widespread in the Martcope - Baga dairy farm.

Analyzing the data on other deformations, statistic of diseases had higher rates in the farm of Georgia. Thus, the percentage of obtuse hooves in the Martcopy - Baga dairy farm exceeded the similar in the farming Tabis by 1,65%, flat by 3,04% and almost at the same level in the distribution of the percentage of complete.


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How to Cite
Stotskiy, A., & Stotskiy, O. (2019). Distribution and structure of diseases in cows in the holdings of the republic of Kazakhstan and Georgia. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1-2(44-45), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.vet.2019.1-2.1