Study of irritant and toxic effect of SUKHODEZ disinfectant

Keywords: disinfection, disinfectant, laboratory, microorganisms, allergy, subraction


The article presents the results of the study of irritant and allergenic action of the disinfectant "Sukhodez" in the laboratory. As a result, we can say that the drug Sukhodez has a weak effect on the degree of response to irritation in mice and rabbits. However, the drug in a single treatment of the premises in the maximum allowable concentration of 60 mg / m3 has a moderately irritating effect on the mucous membranes of animals, which allows it to be classified as hazard class 3.

The vast majority of powder disinfectants are of foreign origin. Therefore, the study and development of powder disinfectants for bedding in agriculture, in particular in poultry is currently quite relevant. According to the results of our study, there are currently no more than 9 manufacturers of disinfectants in agriculture in Ukraine. At the same time, representatives of disinfectants of foreign origin outnumber this number dozens of times.

We studied the toxicity of Sukhodes with long-term oral administration to two groups of white rats selected according to the principle of analogues.We also studied the effect of the drug on the condition of internal organs, which was assessed by comparing their relative mass ratios.

The ability of the drug to penetrate the skin was evaluated after the experiment. The clinical picture of animal intoxication and the effect on the central nervous system were taken into account. In addition, the method of "swimming" was used to assess the performance of mice. To do this, recorded the time during which the animal could stay on the surface of the water.

We did research on the local irritant effect of "Sukhodez". Determined by the method of skin applications, which allows to detect the development of mice in non-allergic contact dermatitis depending on the dose of the substance used.

The study of the toxicity of the drug "Sukhodes" with prolonged oral administration showed that the introduction of the drug at a dose of 2500 mg / kg body weight for 30 days did not affect the clinical condition and behavior of rats. No foreign or negative effects of Sukhodes were recorded throughout the experiment. Animals willingly consumed food and water, were mobile, responded adequately to sound and tactile stimuli.The studies revealed low toxicity of the drug.

Based on the research, we concluded that the tool "Sukhodez" does not cause the death of experimental rats and mice and it can be classified as hazard class 4 according to the International Standard GOST 12.1.007-76, or category 5 according to the International Global Classification Global Harmonized System, (GHS).


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How to Cite
Slaston, D., Kotsur, O., & Fotina, T. (2020). Study of irritant and toxic effect of SUKHODEZ disinfectant. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3 (50), 9-18.