Keywords: cows, Lactatedehydrogenase, tissue extracts, endometrium, sexual cycle anaphrodisia


Cattle reproduction is a complex set of biological and technological processes that depend on the interaction of external and internal factors. The state of reproduction of cows – is the main problem of dairy farming and characterizes the economic efficiency of livestock in general. Assessment of reproduction in the farm is carried out according to many criteria, which include: the duration of pregnancy, dry, interstitial and service period periods. It is well known that high reproduction rates are not only the basis for reproduction, but also a prerequisite for maximum milk productivity of cows and their long reproductive existence. The solution of this scientific problem was carried out by using modern biotechnological research methods on different model systems, which allowed to determine the course of gametogenesis in females and males, implantation capacity and features of embryogenesis of mammals caused by the influence of exogenous factors and to develop methods for activating the implantation and embryonic capacity of females. Profitability of suckling stock-raising depends on effective introduction systematic application of modern reproductive methods of correction, that allow substantially to promote the amount of population, improve genetic potential of highperformance animals, and plan their recreation. A necessary condition of permanent profitability of suckling stock-raising is approbation and practical application of modern methods of stimulation and correction. Exactly the last stipulate an increase to the percent of the impregnated females, minimize the amount of abortions and assist the receipt of healthy issue. Therefore the questions of correction and stimulation of reproductive ability remain actual to this day, and need a complex study and analysis of morpho-physiological features of preparation of the sexual system of cows to the impregnation, implantation and pregnancy. Physiology of impregnation, development of zygotes, and pregnancies, first of all depend on balanced of hormonal background of maternal organism. Stimulation of reproductive potential of cows змушує specialists to the search and wide consumption biologically active substances, tissue preparations and biotechnological events, that activate the metabolic and endocrine systems, and strengthen the exchange processes of genital organs. At the decision of foregoing questions, primary attention is spared to the state of ендометрія for pregnancies of cows, while a process of remodeling of functional layer of endometrium is during the stage of excitation, that provides physiology of implantation and pregnancy, remains out of eyeshot. Optimal hormonal status of organism of cows, predetermines physiology exchange of substances, assists functional activity of genitalia, that provides the receipt of the best indexes of recreation in turn. For effective application of stimulant biologically-active facilities on the reproductive function of cows during the different stages. The reproductive function is represented by self-regulating and repetitive conversion order, (nerve and humoral chains), which ensures the effectiveness of the adaptive and adaptive effect. This is how the main biological purpose of the reproductive system is achieved – the preservation of the species. Biochemical and morphological changes in the endometrium during different stages of the sexual cycle are accompanied by its physiological restructuring. For chronic stress that occurs in inappropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions, maintenance, feeding and exploitation, are formed by stable neuroendocrine and neurohumoral disorders of the pituitary-ovarian-ovarian system, the clinical manifestation of which is characterized by a violation of sexual cyclicality. Chronic stress distorts the signals of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, and as a result – the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones and a manifestation of a full-fledged excitation stage. In an indefinite period, the reproductive system weakens or does not terminate its function in general, and does not participate in the adaptive mechanisms of the body, providing resources vital functions. Chronic ovarian insufficiency develops, violation of hormonal homeostasis of the uterus, and as a result – disorders of the cyclic transformation of the endometrium. It is well-known that the primary source of energy formation in the cell is glycolysis. In pathological conditions, which are accompanied by an oxygen shortage, and for the chronic effects of stress factor, the energy supply of cells is compensated by the activation of anaerobic glycolysis with an increase in lactate dehydrogenase. LDH, as you know, a glycolytic zincglycous glycolysis marker. In plastic-remoder and pathological processes of endometrium, aerobic glycolysis is replaced by anaerobic, activating LDH. The latter causes the accumulation of underoxified products and the use of glycogen and glucose to provide energy needs of the endometrial cells. The physiological increase in activity of LDH is recorded with intensive physical activity, newborns and pregnant women, that is, under the conditions of activation and proliferation of cells. Diseases accompanied by damage to tissues and cells are also accompanied by an increase in LDG. In this regard, lactate dehydrogenase is an important marker of proliferation and mobilization of cells, as well as an indicator of tissue destruction. Thus, the study of the content of lactate dehydrogenase in tissue endometrial extracts during various stages of the sexual cycle, and for a postmorbid state, is informative in restoration and correction of the reproducible capacity of cows. For a comprehensive assessment of glycolysis process, scientists investigated the activity of lactate dehydrogenase, whose content is informative during the sexual cycle. Lactate dehydrogenase is contained in all tissues of the organism, where its concentration is much higher than blood serum. Modern scientific researches are partially illuminating molecular mechanisms for controlling the gomeostasis of the tissue exchange of endometrium, drawing attention to the activation of energy processes of cells, including inhibition of anaerobic glycolysis. Under the conditions of functional disorders of the proliferative processes of the endometrium, which permeable implantation, the level of activity of LDH is reduced. At the beginning of the excitation stage (phenomena of tricks and general reactions), for the registration of the functional layer of the endometrium (proliferative phase), anaerobic glycolysis is activated, which is accompanied by an increase in the content of lactate dehydrogenase. LDH at this time is localized in the cytoplasm of the cells of the glandular epithelium, in contrast to the cells of the stroma, which records a slight content of the latter. During the stage of excitation, especially for the phenomenon of hunting and ovulation, there is a significant increase in LDH, due to the activation of cytochemical processes of carbohydrate metabolism, which determines the creation of a favorable pregnancy in the intrauterine environment. At this time, the highest activity of the LDG both in the cells of the glandular epithelium and in the cells of the stroma is recorded. In the article results over of research of concentration of Lactatedehydrogenase are brought and analysed in the tissue extracts of functional layer of endometrium of cows at the different stages of sexual cycle and after аnafrodisia. It is set that during еструсу there is the most active physiology activation of metabolism that is accompanied by the increase of concentration of лактатдегідрогенази in the extracts of fabrics of endometrium, comparatively with проеструсом and at the bloom of yellow body. For animals that had had on endometritis and delay of dung, and were in the state of anaphrodisia, the concentration of Lactatedehydrogenase in the tissue extracts of functional layer of endometrium approaches minimum values. The content of LDH in tissue extracts of the functional layer of the endometrial layer during hunting (Fig. 1.) was significantly higher by 18.1% (p <0.013) compared to 7-8 days of the sexual cycle (a yellow body), and by 12.5% (P <0.043) in animals with a predictable projection for 17-18 days of the sexual cycle, respectively, indicating the registration of the functional layer of the endometrium for the activation of anaerobic glycolysis. By 17-18, the sexual cycle records a noticeable activation of the processes of anaerobic glycolysis of the functional layer of the endometrium, which is accompanied by an unreliable increase in the content of LDH tissue extracts, almost 11% compared to 7-8 days of the sexual cycle. Obviously, an increase in the content of lactate dehydrogenase in tissue extracts of the functional layer of the endometrium is due to the beginning of registration and proliferative – functional restructuring of endometrium. Consequently, the dynamics of concentration of lactate dehydrogenase in tissue extracts of the functional layer of the endometrial endometrial layer, detailing the activation of anaerobic glycolysis, during physiological remodeling of the endometrium and reflects its functional activity at different stages of the sexual cycle. the content of lactate dehydrogenase in the tissue extracts of the functional layer of the endometrium of cows that relapsed into endometritis and manure retention was probably lower by almost 9.8% (P <0.05) and 12.4% (P <0.017), respectively, for the level of LDH in cows in the hunt. This, in our opinion, can be explained by a significant inhibition of metabolic and secretory activity of the endometrium in the postmorbid state, because in functional disorders of repithelialization and proliferative – functional rearrangement of the endometrium, the level of LDH activity decreases. This conclusion is confirmed by our previous studies of the content of lactate dehydrogenase in the serum of cows, in relation to different stages of the sexual cycle and the state of sexual function. We found that in the blood plasma of cows in the postmorbid state there is a significant decrease in the level of connective tissue markers: lactate dehydrogenase, glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans. In our opinion, this is due to the inhibition of anaerobic glycolysis, which is accompanied by a decrease in lactate dehydrogenase, and inhibition of the formation of glandular secretion enriched with protein-carbohydrate complexes, due to lack of functional activity of the endometrial glands.


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